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Alpha Loren

Chapter 75 A Piece in The Puzzle

November 27th

Initially, I only saw Luca hugging Allison as she wept into his shoulder. Then my eyes cast down to Amber lying lifelessly on the floor. I brought my hand to my mouth in shock as Leo held my other tighter.

"Her heart isn't beating, is it?" I asked Leo, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Where's Blair?" Leo questioned seriously after kneeling down beside Amber's body and putting his ear to her heart. His jaw clenched tightly.

"On his way," Luca replied.

Less than 10 seconds later, we heard footsteps coming from the direction of the parking lot. Blair soon appeared, worry stricken across his face. When he noticed the body on the floor, he suddenly paused and his expression froze.

I screwed my face up and leant into Leo's chest as I watched him slowly process what he was seeing. To watch him realise his loss was one of the worst things I'd ever seen. I was certain the way his face slowly turned from disbelief to utter grief with the sinking in of the reality of his sister's dead body would haunt me forever.

"Amber," he whispered dropping to his knees beside her. "Amber," he repeated resting her head on his knee and gently shaking her shoulders.

"Blair," Leo said quietly. "She's gone."

"Who did this?" he said in a deep tone as his eyes snapped up to Leo. "Who has fucking killed my sister!?"

"A rogue," Leo replied.

How did he even know that?

"Where is he now?"

"Stay here," Leo ordered before marching further into the forest.

Now it was just me, Allison's sobs, Luca's comforting whispers, Blair's pacing and Amber's body.

Less than 5 minutes later a stone-faced Leo returned dragging a scruffy looking man behind him.

"You did this?" he growled in a demonic tone after throwing the man to his knees.

"Yes," he replied coldly.


"She failed me," he stated before casting his wicked eyes at me. "But you already knew that didn't you Alpha?"

"Kill him," Leo ordered to Blair before striding over to me and grabbing my shoulder so that I was facing away from the violence. He pulled me into his chest and put his hand on my head to hold me there, stopping me from looking.

I closed my eyes tightly all the same as I heard his final cry and then the slicing of his throat.

"Luca, take Allison and Ella back to my car and stay with them," Leo ordered. "Don't you dare disobey me."

Luca nodded and without letting go of Allison, he took my hand and we walked back to the car.

"It's good to see you again, Ells," he said. "I'm sorry about the circumstances."

I smiled meekly, "It's hardly your fault. Oh, Allison, this is awful."

She nodded, "We just came out of the mall and he was there. He started shouting at her like they knew each other and then he dragged her off into the forest and killed her. There was nothing I could do. He had a knife to her throat."

"What was he saying?" I asked.

"Something about you," she said turning to me with watery blue eyes.

"About Ella?" Luca asked.copy right hot novel pub

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