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Alpha Loren

Chapter 84 Pizza Doesn’t Always Come First

December 3rd

When Marco and Carlos pulled up in front of Leo's house, he was stood waiting on the doorstep.

As I hurried up to him, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked.

"Come in," he said, "Marco and Carlos you might as well come too. I'll explain."

As we entered the hall, I began freeing my foot from the incredibly uncomfortable high heel. Leo watched smiling before he approached me and pushed escaped strands of hair back behind my ear.

"What are you looking at young man?" I asked.

"You," he said before kissing me, "You look beautiful and I wish it was me that took you out."

I blushed and pecked him on the lips again.

"Whilst this is lovely," Carlos began, "Can you just tell us why we were just chased from a restaurant before you start fucking?"

Leo rolled his eyes before opening the door to his office, "In. All of you."

We piled into the office where Leo reached into his drawer and pulled out a pile of photos.

"Ella, I should have talked to you about this weeks ago," he said, "I agreed to share pack business with you so here we go. Marco and Carlos, I can't really avoid telling you now but this is not public news so keep your mouths shut, okay?"

I glanced down at the photos. They were of men, clearly taken discretely and without their knowledge. Most of them were young and scruffy looking, with dirty torn clothes and unbrushed hair.

"There is a new organisation of rogues," he said, "Rogues usually attack alone or in small groups. They're a nuisance but hardly ever a large scale threat. But this is different. This is an alliance of at least hundreds, probably more. The recent attacks and fires on the territory, the plot Amber was involved in, the danger you encountered today, they are all linked to the same group."

"And these pictures are members?" Carlos asked looking through the photos.

Leo nodded, "I've been trying to gather information through...questioning... rogues we've captured," he said glancing at me.

By 'questioning' I knew what he really meant. And it certainly wasn't sitting down to have a nice chit-chat.

I swallowed and tucked my hair behind my ear. Despite knowing these rogues had attacked our pack and harmed our people, they thought of torturing them until they spoke made me uncomfortable. Especially when it was Leo carrying out the violence with the same hands he touched me with.

Leo then looked back to his brothers and his face straightened again.

"We've got the identities of other members, like these men in the photos and I have soldiers out hunting down as we speak. But the ones sent out to fight and attack aren't in the trusted circle of the organisation. They don't know anything of much use. They tell me they are part of an organisation and they speak of a leader but they don't know who he or she is. No name, no description, no location. Nothing. Orders are just passed along to them and they carry them out. They don't know the future plans or strategies either."

"This man," Carlos said pointing to one of the photos, "He was in the restaurant."

I looked at it and immediately recognised him too.

"And him," I added pointing to another photo.

"So you were in a restaurant with these men, Marco and Carlos left you unattended and somehow you made it out alive?" Leo asked me.

I nodded, "Somehow."

Leo furrowed his eyebrows and dropped himself down into his swivel chair before resting his fingers on his chin.

"Maybe we were lucky?" Marco suggested.

Leo looked up at his brother and let out a deep scoff.

"You fucking were," he growled, "If she was hurt because of your incompetence and stupidity, you'd be dead. Brother or not."

Marco gave a nervous smile as he looked down, "I'm sorry, Leo."

"But how were we supposed to know?" Carlos asked.

"If you had asked me before you took my mate off territory, I would have made it very clear," he replied, "Kellington has been seized by this army of rogues. You literally took her onto their territory."

"Kellington?" I asked stepping forward, "What about the Cerridwen pack? Kellington was their territory."

"Last I knew, they been forced to surrender," he replied, "I know your brother has left so he is not a concern but as for your friends, there have been no reports of them medalling with the human population. Blair has also taken Abi out of there for obvious reasons. She is a target too."

"Well it appears maybe I'm not a target," I pointed out, "They watched me walk away from Marco and Carlos and did nothing."

He shook his head, "And I don't know why. But I'm not taking any chances. You stay on territory until this is dealt with."

I nodded.

It's easy to agree to his orders when he explains his legitimate reasons behind them. We should have started doing this talking business at the very beginning.

"So what's your plan, Leo?" Carlos asked.

He leant back in his chair and took a deep breath.

"Track down as many members as possible hoping at least someone will lead us to whoever is responsible for all this.copy right hot novel pub

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