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Alpha Loren

Chapter 90 Ciao Cato

December 20th

Ella's point of view:

After three painful hours of labour and stressing over whether Leo would make it in time, I finally caught his scent coming into the hospital.

"Leo," I sobbed as he came into the room seconds later. Tears of both happiness and pain flooded my eyes as I found his stunning blue eyes amongst the machinery and wires of the delivery room

"I made it," he said kneeling down beside me and kissing me gently.

"But how many speeding tickets did you get along the way?" I joked.

"I can afford a speeding ticket or twenty but not to miss this," he replied taking my hand tightly.

I'd missed him an unimaginable amount. It had only been two days and he had planned to be gone a week. I'm not sure how I would have coped.

Just then Rosa came back from a quick trip to the rest room.

"Oh Leonardo, thank the Goddesses," she said kissing him on the cheek. "I thought you'd never get here in time."

"Rosa, why don't you get something to eat from the cafe with the others. I'll be fine with Leo now," I said.

Her stomach had been growling for the past half hour while her Mateo and Antonio were at the cafe getting food. She refused to leave me alone despite my protests and was just waiting for her mate to return with a cold sandwhich.

"Let me know if anything happens, Okay?" she said.

She then reluctantly backed out of the room, leaving me just with Leo.

He kissed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Did you find out who the rogue leader is?" I asked as he patted my sweaty forehead dry with the towel by the bed.

"Don't worry about that now, Ella," he said with a slight laugh, "You've got a baby to deliver."

"But did you?" I asked.

"I will very soon," he said, "But please, Ella. Focus on the baby."

I smiled, "I just want to bring him into a peaceful world. Where whoever is terrorising our people is stopped."

"They will be," he reassured, "And this little boy will grow up happy, healthy and safe."

He then pressed his forehead against mine and I breathed a deep breath out.

But then seconds later, another contraction hit me and I couldn't help but scream. It must have made his earring but he was more concerned with trying to comfort me through my pain.

It finally eased and I opened my eyes to see him still watching over me, concern all over his face.

"Fuck," he muttered, "How long have you been having those for?"

"Three hours," I said breathlessly.

"Have you talked to your Mom?" Leo asked.

I nodded.

"She's on her way back to Stella as we speak," I replied.

"Your brother?"

"He should be here any minute," I said, "He said he was leaving town but he can't have gone far. I only called him an hour ago."

The second I finished speaking, I felt my stomach cave in once again into the worst contraction so far.

"Oh God," I groaned. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph."

I grabbed my mates hand with an iron grip as pain still swept through my lower body.

"It's not stopping," I groaned, "Why isn't it easing?"

"Doctor!" Leo called and seconds later the Doctor rushed into the room.

"Good evening Alpha. I'm glad you made it," she greeted hastily.

She then looked down at me as I rocked from side to side in agony before she rushed over and lifted the sheets off me.

"Legs apart please, Luna," She asked as my hospital gown was hitched up and she took a close look.

In any other setting, having a stranger stare closely at your vagina would be kinda weird.

But then this whole thing was weird to me. Hospitals, family, people calling me 'Luna'...copy right hot novel pub

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