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Alpha Loren

Chapter 105 Chapter 105

"Fucking bitch," Max groaned exactly twelve hours later.

"Oh goody! you can move," I exclaimed taking my feet off his kitchen table and putting the bag of popcorn I found in his cupboard down.

"You could have at least moved me off the hard floor," he complained slowly getting to his feet.

"You should have said something! How was I meant to know you were uncomfortable?" I said and he scowled at me whilst rubbing his shoulder. " could of at least not left me in a cold cellar for twenty-four hours with my arch enemy who almost killed me... although I seem to remember you doing it anyway didn't you?" I added with a sarky smile.

He shot me a glare before stretching his arms and cracking his neck.

"But I'm not here simply for the fun of stirring up our three-year-old hatred for one another,' I said. "I came here because-" I began.

"I know why you came here. I've almost been expecting you. My sister is thirteen and fast becoming a woman. Her power is getting out of control, isn't it?" Max replied basically stealing the words from my mouth as he dragged himself to one of the many chairs in a stiff fashion.

"Over the past three years, I've been checking in on Milly every once in a while partly for my own curiosity, since you buggered off without telling me a single thing, but also to ensure she is alright. And for the most part, she was. But little things would happen every now and then and they became more frequent as she grew older. Like sometimes when she talked about you, she'd get a little upset and the weather would suddenly change for the worst. At first, I thought it was a coincidence but then it happened again and again and again. Every time she felt a strong emotion in fact. Occasionally, she'd tell me a dream too and I found that parts of her dreams would come true. These dreams also progressed to visions during the day that would also come true. Last week, when I went to visit her, was when I decided something had to be done to help her. She told me she'd had a weird dream about the future of the pack but all she saw was death and destruction and she felt guilty for it- like it was going to be her fault. As she was telling me tears began to stream and a strong storm cast over the entire territory. Nobody was killed but some people were injured and others lost their homes," I explained.

"I've always known this would happen at some point but the truth is: the reason I didn't tell you before I left it because I don't know why she is who she is or what to do about it. From the age of four, weird stuff like what you have described has been happening and nine years later I still don't know any more information about what is causing it," Max said with little optimism. "I can't help you because I don't know."

"Neither do I but I bet I'm closer than you," I said pulling three thick books from my bag and slamming them on the table.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me with a bored expression.

"You think the answer is in some musty old books?" he asked. "Trust me, I've looked.copy right hot novel pub

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