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Alpha Loren

Chapter 115 Chapter 115

Three hours later, I was still sat on the concrete floor of the cell completely alone. I had taken to throwing Max's stone up in the air and catching it out of sheer boredom. Staying in here for two months is certain to drive me insane.

Fuck you, Luciano.

I guess we should look on the bright side. Max has the amulet and I'm at least going to get home alive.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps. A man in a balaclava then reached the bars of my cell and unlocked the door.

I watched him intensely as he came in and grabbed my wrist. He was wearing all black- not a bit of skin showing.

There was something different about him from the rest of the guards but right now that doesn't matter. There's only one of him and there's one of me. I can take him.

As he began yanking me to my feet, I struggled against but weirdly, I couldn't seem to escape his grip. He was clearly stronger than any of the other guards.

"Where are you taking me?" I hissed as he dragged me down the hallway with a tight grip on my upper arm.

No response.

I elbowed him in the chest as hard as I could and he retaliated by tightly grabbing both my wrists behind my back in one hand and lifting the balaclava with the other.

"Can you stop fucking struggling?" he hissed as I caught sight of his face. "It's me."

"Max?" I questioned as he pulled the balaclava back down and continued leading me. "What the hell are you doing?! Have you switched sides?"

"Don't be ridiculous, idiot. I am coming to your rescue," he remarked. I could tell he was wearing a sarcastic smirk even through the balaclava.

"I don't need rescuing," I said defensively.

"Oh yeah? Luciano called your Alpha and he'll arrive here in less than a day," Max replied as we turned a sharp corner. "And we need to get out of here before he does.copy right hot novel pub

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