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Alpha Loren

Chapter 129 Chapter 129

In minutes, we effortlessly took down the guards outside. My pregnancy and the full moon was serving its purpose. I found that one punch could knock a six-foot man to the straight ground.

"Damn girl," Max said breathlessly as the last guard hit the snowy floor with a thud and a groan. "We could all do with a little full moon pregnancy from time to time."

We then made our way through the front door only to be faced by a wall of guards all armed with guns pointing towards us.

"Fucking shit," Max cursed.

"Well, well, well," A voice said in an Italian accent from behind the guards. They parted and a man stepped slowly towards them. "If it isn't Loren's little bitch and her exile of a cousin."

It was only when he stepped into the light that I recognised who it was. The descendent of Hecate we had first met in Naples only a couple of weeks ago.

"After the amulet I presume?" he asked lifting his hand to reveal a dangling a chain and pendant.

"Please give it to us. Milia Megestanis is worsening every day. We are desperate," I begged.

"So now you are asking nicely?" he said with an amused expression. "Remember how you left me paralysed on the floor?"

"Can we cut the crap?" Max growled. "Give us the amulet or we will take it."

"You'll never get it. I've got hundreds of guards here and they're all armed," he replied. "However, I suppose it shall be entertaining to watch you try. Let's make it fair though. Guns down," he added gesturing to his guards.

Each guard followed his orders and put their guns into a holster on their belts. For a few agonising moments, everybody stood motionless before one brave guard launched forward. I knocked him down with one punch and then smiled sweetly at the crowd of shocked looking men.

"Who's next boys?"

That's when shit went down.

More guards just kept pouring out of every door and shadow but Max and I kept fighting. He was having a little more trouble than me without a) a paralysing sword and b) a five-day-old foetus in his stomach but he still seemed to manage sufficiently.

The best part was watching the descendent of Hecate's confident expression slowly deteriorate. He was unable to hide the fear and shock on his face.

Eventually, the guards stopped coming and the floor was scattered with groaning and paralysed men.

"Well, Luna. I must say I'm impressed," he said looking at his 'oh so strong' Mafia. "But I have one last thing for you," he added whistling.

A door opened at the end of the corridor and two enormous men came out.

When I say enormous, I mean enormous. Both were practically the same height as Leo but larger and denser. One of them could probably kill both Max and me purely by sitting on us.

"I present to you: Magnus and Cadmar. There isn't a wolf in Russia that doesn't fear them," the descendent said with a smirk plastered on his face. "And you're about to find out why."

Sure they had strength and weight but agility and speed? I don't think so.

"I'll take them, you get the amulet," I said to Max.

"You think you can-"

"Don't underestimate me," I interrupted.

He nodded.

"You're just gonna let her boss you around, Megestanis?" he asked looking more amused by the second. "I wouldn't have thought that a man like you would stand for that from a girl like her.copy right hot novel pub

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