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Alpha Loren

Chapter 156 Chapter 156

For the next day, we drove South down the West coast of the country. By late afternoon, we had reached Sacramento and Luca needed gas.

"Why Mexico?" I asked as we drove around looking for a gas station.

"I just need to pick something up and then we can have a fun time wearing sombreros and drinking tequila," he replied casually as he scanned the road ahead of us.

I ignored the last half of his sentence and asked, "to pick what up?"

"Something from these people I know...don't worry about it" he replied quite vaguely before giving me an innocent smile that was clearly hiding something.

"I know that look," I said a sinking feeling in my stomach.

We had just pulled up at a gas station and Luca turned to me and smiled again, "What look?"

"That smile that says "I'm just an innocent little baby and I've never set a foot wrong in my life." I know you're not Luca Romano. How do you know people in Mexico?"

"I come sometimes. Once every month to be precise."

"Why?" I asked.

"Just to bring something over the border," he said. "I said, don't worry about it."

"Are you a drug dealer?!" I whispered shouted.

"Not exactly," he said with a wink before getting out the car to fill it up.

"Luca!" I exclaimed but he shut the car door.

I instantly got out and looked at him over the roof of the car from the other side of it.

"Are you going to elaborate?!" I asked.

"On what?"

"On the fact that you are a fucking drug dealer!"

"Ella, keep your voice down," he said. "I'll tell you later just get back in the car. The whole gas station doesn't need to know."

I sighed and got back in the car as he finished putting the gas in the car and then went to pay.

He better have a good explanation for this.

"So?" I asked as he eventually came back and started the engine. "Why the fuck are you dealing drugs?!"

"I'm not," he stated.

"Don't be blunt with me," I snapped. "Dealing, trafficking, buying, selling, using or whatever!"

"It is racist to assume that because I go to Mexico, I must be involved with drugs. It is a beautiful country with thousands of lovely people," he replied calmly.

"I'm sure it is but how do you know these lovely people in Mexico?" I asked.

"Oh, I work for them," he replied.

"And what is their line of work?"

"Drug dealing."

"For fuck's sake," I mumbled. "Could you not have just said that to start with? And why the fuck are you involved in drugs?" I asked. "You have a job. Gamma of the Stella pack! You get paid loads!"


"Relax? I am in the car with a drug dealer and we are on our way to Mexico to pick up drugs-"

"Ella," he interrupted loudly. "It is part of my job as Gamma. There is a gang of criminals in Mexico. Werewolf drug dealers, if you like, that are a threat to the pack. Leo sent me to get friendly with them, find shit out and report back to him.copy right hot novel pub

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