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Alpha Loren

Chapter 9 A History Lesson

October 11th

I could hear Leo downstairs cooking but he'd left me locked in the bedroom. Apparently, he was still pissed about the whole trying to escape thing.

He said when it was ready he would let me free but by that I don't think he meant free, he just meant slightly less not free.

I was having none of that. Leo had locked the door from the outside and after he had left I locked it from the inside and laid down happily on the bed with a book I had found in his nightstand.

When I heard him try to unlock it I looked up and smiled to myself complacently.

"Ella, open the door," He said warily bumping his fist on the wood.

"No thanks," I answered.

"You know that I could break it down, right?"

"But then you won't have a door," I said with a grin.

I had the upper hand and we both knew it.

"That's not going to stop me and if I do have to, when I get in there I won't exactly be fucking delighted," He replied.

"You aren't scaring me," I sung looking back down at the book which was about 12th century France and was oddly fascinating.

"Do you want me to make your life a living nightmare?" he snarled.

"Two can play at that game, Leo," I replied. "You're easily irritated and I can be pretty fucking irritating, case in point: right now."

"I made spaghetti for dinner," he said. "You must be hungry."

I snapped my head up at the mention of the most gorgeous invention of man.

"Fine," I said closing the book. "I'll open the door."

I walked up to the door but paused when I heard the heaviness of his breath on the other side of the wood.

"Can you just take a few steps back?" I asked.

"Why? Are you scared of me?" he asked, no doubt with a smirk.

"No," I said as surely as possible. "But if I open this door, you won't be mad...will you?"

There was no reply.


"I'm getting impatient, Ella," he said.

"Just say 'I promise not to be mad when Ella opens the door'," I replied.

"I promise not to be mad when Ella opens the door," He repeated monotonously.

I undid the lock and slowly inched the door open. I saw his incredibly angry facial expression and the tried to slam it closed again. Unfortunately, he placed one hand on the door and effortlessly pushed it open whilst on the overside I heaved with all my might to close it.

"You said you wouldn't be mad!" I shouted as he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down the stairs.

"I had my fingers crossed," He grunted.

"Why are you so angry? I opened it didn't I? And you locked me in there in the first place?!" I protested trying to fight his grip on my wrist.

"Because I have had enough of you doing everything you can to be difficult. I already have an entire pack to control. The last thing I need is a mate that acts like a toddler," he said wrestling with me as I fought him on the stairs.

"Then let me go," I spat. "Then you won't have to deal with me."

He let out a deep grumbling growl before he lost his patience with my struggle and threw me over his shoulder once again.

"You know I really haven't enjoyed today," I announced as he carried me into the kitchen.

"Great to know. Now eat," He replied shortly and about as apathetically as possible before he forced me to sit in a chair.

"You know what I really hate? Being controlled," I began. "I hate being controlled. I hate this entire situation because you are trying to control me. I hate it and I hate you. Or maybe I don't hate you. I want to hate you and I really really should hate you. But still, out of all the people in the world, why did my mate have to be you? I don't know what the Moon Goddess was thinking when she paired us because our personalities don't match in the slightest." I said.

"Don't worry. As soon as I've got that attitude out of you we'll be compatible," he replied.

I glared up at him and stood up.

"Sit down," he ordered deeply.

I scoffed and just continued to walk away from him.

With that, I heard his chair scrape back and his footsteps pound towards me. Before I could even think about running he had lifted my feet off the ground and carried me kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs back towards the table.

He threw me back down into the chair but in the corner of my eye, I spotted a knife on the table. With his hands squeezing my wrists as he snarled over me, on instinct I grabbed it and pointed it directly at him.

He raised an eyebrow whilst sarcastically raising his hands and stepping back from me. I put on my scariest face and gripped the knife tighter.copy right hot novel pub

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