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Alpha Loren

Chapter 11 A Close Call

October 11th

Rosa made coffee and we enjoyed it with Leo's family. Antonio had spoken briefly to Leo in his office, due to Leo's crazy loud siblings I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but when they came out, Antonio constantly glanced at me and I could tell there was a lot of tension between he and Leo.

On the journey home, I looked out the window into the now dark forest. Through the towering trees, I could see the white moon reflecting on to the glistening lake and casting shadowy shapes onto the track. The stars were clearly shining in the cloud-free sky illuminating the road ahead of us. It was what some would call a perfect night.

"Were you killing people tonight?" I asked the curiosity devouring me.

He sighed.

"You shouldn't ask questions that you know you won't like the answer to...."

"Were you?"

"Yes," He said bluntly.

"Did they even do anything to deserve it?" I quietly questioned my eyes welling up with tears as I tried to shuffle as far away as possible from him.

"When I left you in the car, I found a rogue. After some...persuasion, I learnt from him that there were ten more lurking in a group just a few miles in from the border. All male, all unmated," He said stroking my leg in an attempt to calm me down. "They were a threat and you have to understand that I am Alpha and part of my job is to kill those that threaten the pack."

"You didn't have to kill them," I replied tears streaming down my face as I pushed his hand off my leg. "How do you know they had bad intentions? How do you know they weren't just passing by!?"

"'Passing by'?! No rogue passes through pack land with no permission, without meaning to cause trouble," he said in a deeper more growly tone.

"Well, they have to be on someone's land!" I shouted,

"Then why the fuck would they chose mine of all Alphas?!" he snapped. "They know who I am and they know what I am capable of. Nobody would come on my land unless they want trouble and I'm not risking that. I don't give out fucking warnings."

"So if when you found me, a rogue on my territory, and I wasn't your mate, would you have killed me?" I asked.

"Maybe," he replied, "Maybe not. You're a young, pretty girl and you were on your own. Hardly a threat. I probably would have fucked you and let you on your way."

I stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" he asked, "Would you rather I lied to you?"

I leant my head on the window and let out a short breath, "Whether you judge them to be a threat or not, it was still unjust."

At that, he raised his fist and brought it down on the steering wheel hard. I flinched at first and then jumped a little at the impact.

"Stop questioning my actions. I am your Alpha and you are too innocent to understand that not everyone in this fucking world means well like you!" He replied his fury clearly boiling over.copy right hot novel pub

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