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Alpha Loren

Chapter 21 Counting Sheep

October 14th

"We're going to be late," I said when it got to 6:56 pm and we still hadn't left for the party at 7:00 pm.

After agreeing not to speak about the events of today again, things had been much better and we'd spent half an hour cuddling watching 'friends' on the TV. This didn't mean I had forgiven him. Not by a mile. But he was my mate and we don't have a choice but to be together for the rest of our lives so the least we could do to make it bearable was be civil. Besides, I had this weird connection with him and despite knowing he was a horrible person, I couldn't help but be drawn to him.

"Fashionably late," Leo said cupping my face in his hands and kissing my forehead.

When we eventually arrived at the party, about an hour after it started, Luca greeted us at the door and led us straight to the drinks table.

He seemed slightly drunk, but then again Luca always seems drunk.

"Wupidoo the Alpha and Luna are finally here!" He bellowed out to no one in particular.

Definitely drunk.

"Now we can get the party started!" He cheered.

Judging by the blaring music my guess would be the party had already started.

"Anyway, so what would you guys like? We have beer, vodka and then there' some kind of blue cocktail mix of I don't even know what," He said excitedly.

"I'll have a beer, please," I said before Leo could say anything.

"Is that okay with you Alpha?" Luca asked cautiously not yet passing me the bottle.

"Absolutely not," Leo deadpanned. "She'll have a fruit punch."

"No, I'll have a beer," I said assertively.

Luca raised his eyebrow unsure of what to do.

"You're underaged."

"Since when have you cared about laws?" I asked, "I was underaged in Blair's car earlier too."

"Since they worked to my advantage. It's not happening," He said taking the beer out of Luca's hand and taking a swig himself.

"You're drinking it," I protested.

"I'm like 3 times the size of you and 6 years older," He said pouring me a glass of fruit punch.

"You know what, Leo?" I said grabbing another can of beer. "Fuck you," I added taking a huge mouthful before he could stop me.

"Oooh Alpha," Luca laughed. "She's giving you a run for ya money."

Leo snatched it out of my hand and put it back on the table.

"For Fuck's sake," Leo sighed. "Let's just get away from the alcohol."

Leo lead me through into the next room where I heard an excited voice call.

"Leo! Ella!" I heard an excited voice call.

It was Elena and she seemed a little too crazy to be sober.

"I see you're enjoying the fruit punch completely free of intoxicants," I said with a laugh.

"Hey! I'm 21 in like two years," she replied.

"My siblings are very sensible, Ella," Leo said gesturing to Mateo who was wildly dancing on the table with a bottle of beer in one hand and a red cup filled with goodness knows what in the other.

"Anyway, it was nice seeing you two but I need to go and check on Lenny. He's fifteen and certainly won't be drinking anything alcoholic tonight under my watch," she said before leaving the kitchen back towards the hallway.

Leo clutched my hand as we weaved in and out of sweaty, drunk, dancing bodies. It reminded me of the last party Cameron and I went to as a couple before...well you know. But this time the hand belonged to Leo- my mate.

It was a fun party. I danced with Leo for a long time then made out with him for an even longer.

He'd wanted to go upstairs but I'd said I wasn't losing my virginity in Luca's bed and then after that, I somehow managed to lose him somewhere amongst the music and chaos.

Luca was the first to find me lost and confused in the kitchen.

"Have you seen Leo?" I asked.

"Last time I saw him was on the couch, with his tongue deep...deep inside you," he replied.

I blushed and grimaced.

"You saw that?" I asked.copy right hot novel pub

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