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Alpha Loren

Chapter 35 The Shock of the Century

November 2nd

The next morning I woke up to Max thrashing on the door. I snuggled further underneath the covers with no intention of letting him in.

"I know you are awake so open the fucking door!" Max shouted.

"No thanks!"

"I will knock it down if I have to," He said.

"The age old threat, go ahead, but remember who's house this is," I replied.

"How long is the drive to Kellington?" Max said a devilish tone creeping into his voice. "Because from my calculations your brother could be dead in 43 minutes and 30 seconds."

With that I scrambled out of the bed and padded across to unlock the door. I didn't doubt that threat for a second.

Max was stood casually leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.

"Knew that would work. You have too many weaknesses lil Cuz," He said wondering past me into the room.

"Now, remember what we agreed last night. Give me yesterday's clothes and get in the shower," Max said. I frowned and went to get my jeans and sweatshirt off the chair in the corner of Leo's room. As I bent down I felt a sudden gush of nausea hit my stomach. Some how I managed to get to the toilet before vomiting. For a few moments I felt better before another wave hit me and I vomited again. After wiping my mouth and flushing the loo I looked up to see Max stood in the doorway of the bathroom, a perplexed look on his face.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"I don't know, I just feel really si-" I said shrugging before quickly opening the toilet lid again and repeating the whole process.

The next thing Max said made me freeze entirely,

"Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"

"No," I said.

"But you're fucking the Alpha?" Max asked.

"But I'm not pregnant," I replied. "He wears condoms now."

Max let out an abrupt laugh.

"Alpha Loren uses protection with his own Luna?" he asked. "Isn't he kinda in need of an heir?"

"Shut up Max," I hissed before throwing up again.

"It's probably just food poisoning," I added.

"Hmm. Except we've eaten the same recently and I'm fine," Max said. "You know condoms aren't 100% effective, right?"

I suddenly froze and my eyes widened. The condoms in Greece. We'd seen they were out of date by a few years and hadn't really thought anything of it.

"Call Leo," I demanded.

"No, not until you've had a shower and washed my scent off you," Max replied.

"He's 6 hours away," I said. "Fucking call him," I ordered again this time sterner. Max scowled at me but did take his phone out his pocket.

"Good morning Alpha it's Max," he said down the phone line.

"What's wrong?" Leo's worried voice said back.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just Ella may be pregnant," Max said.

"That's unlikely," Leo said.

"She's just been throwing up. Morning sickness right?" Max said his complete lack of medical knowledge showing through. "It could just be a bug but werewolves don't really get sick..."

"Ask her when the last time she had a period was," Leo ordered.

"Five weeks ago," I answered. "It's late.copy right hot novel pub

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