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Alpha Loren

Chapter 45 It’s Good to Be Different

November 3rd

And so we ran. The ground was beginning to get less flat which I hoped was a hint that we were at least going in the right direction. Milly was beginning to get tired so we had to slow down a bit as the ground got less and less even.

Fortunately, the two men from the clearing had not seen us and didn't appear to be following, but we kept going all the same - it wouldn't be long till the war began to catch up with us.

"My legs hurt," Milly said after about 40 minutes, we had only moved about 10 miles which meant we had a long way to go before we reached safety.

"Only a little bit further now," I lied.

"Can we have a rest?" She asked.

"When we get there," I said readjusting my grip on her hand. Running through an unmanaged forest is one thing, pulling along a 10 year old child with you whilst trying to escape a ruthless war is a whole new level of hard work.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere safe," I replied. "We have to keep going Milly."

"Are my brothers there?" she asked.

"Maybe," I replied knowing that at least one of the four wasn't.

Another 20 minutes later, Milly had got so tired we were barely making any distance. If we were attacked now there was no way she'd have enough energy to sprint. I settled for a 10-minute break- that way fighting wouldn't catch up with us and hopefully neither would anyone else, but we'd still regain hopefully enough energy to carry on for another hour.

"Who are you?" Milly asked as we sat leaning against a thick tree, the child right next to me as I kept my eyes peeled on the forest.

"I'm Ella- the Luna," I replied.

"Alpha Loren's mate?" She asked.

"mhmm," I said nodding my head. "I'm also your cousin."

"My cousin?" She asked.

"Your Dad's sister is my Mom," I clarified.

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