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Alpha Loren

Chapter 50 Do Not Argue

November 4th

10 minutes later Elena was hooked up to the oxygen machine and being carried on a stretcher into an ambulance.

"I'll keep you updated," Antonio, who had only arrived a few minutes before, said to Leo before getting in the ambulance with Rosa. "Take the girls home," he added looking over to the rest of his daughters.

"Ella, I should go," Connor said taking my hand.

I nodded, "But I'll see you again soon...right?"

He smiled, "Of course. I'll come anytime you want."

I then watched as he jogged off, out of the base and Leo ushered me along with his other four sisters into his car.

For 10 minutes nobody spoke until Leo finally broke the silence by clearing his throat.

"This is never happening again," He said.

"Leo-" Maria began.

"No," he said in an authoritative tone.

"Let me speak," Maria demanded.

"Do not argue with me. Our sister could die because she got hurt fighting a battle she should never have been allowed to go anywhere near," Leo said his voice deepening.

"Then why is it okay for Mateo, Marco and Carlos to fight but not us?" Maria growled. "What if one of them almost died?"

"They are grown men and they've had the proper training," Leo responded. "I'd rather put their lives at risk than yours."

"Well, maybe I'd rather die fighting than let others die for me," Maria growled.

"Stop growling at me, Maria. Whilst you are living in this pack you will abide by my rules and if you don't like them tough.copy right hot novel pub

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