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Alpha Loren

Chapter 58 Slimy Little Slug

November 11th

"Good evening Alpha Xander Kuznetsov," Leo said as he opened the door to two tall men. The tallest one, who I presumed to be the Alpha had dark brown hair- almost black, and icy blue eyes. His features were sharp and many and had a light stubble only enhancing the already perfect jawline and as an Alpha normally is, he was overall pretty good looking.

The other looked remarkably similar except for a few inches height difference. They were like brothers.

"Good evening Alpha Leonardo Loren," The tallest man said in a thick Russian accent as they shook hands. "This is Josef, both my Beta and my brother."

"Good to meet you, Josef," Leo said shaking his hand too. "This is my Beta Blair, my Gamma Luca and my Luna Ella."

Xander then shook Blair's hand then Luca's before his eyes floated to me and he smiled. On the surface, he seemed friendly enough but there was a patronising undertone in his expression as his eyes shifted across my face with the smile frozen to his lips.

I tried not to look at him in the eye as he stared at me for a few moments. Leo placed his hand on the small of my back, offering me an air of comfort but it didn't block Xander's peer.

"Very pretty," Xander said his eyes still on me. He held his hand out for me to shake. I took it and he held mine tightly just like Haden had done. I immediately nodded respectfully and smiled. "Congratulations Alpha, she's very obedient and beautiful too."

"Thank you," Leo replied with a nod as he smiled at me in satisfaction. "Do come in," he continued stepping aside so that the Alpha and Beta could come in the house.

As they came through the door I noticed just how tall everyone was. Leo was stood directly next to me, Luca on the other side of me and Blair opposite so as Alpha Xander and Beta Josef past I suddenly felt incredibly small surrounded by men all over at least 6 ft 4. Slightly intimidating too. They each had a strong authoritative scent, Leo's was the most powerful, then Xander, then Blair and then Josef then Luca. I guess knowing Leo was still the most powerful man in the house brought some kind of comfort.

As Leo led the guests into the kitchen still talking to them I found my self at the back with Blair and Luca.

"Obedient? Yeah sure," Luca whispered sarcastically as Blair let out a slight snigger.

"Shut up," I said smacking him where it hurts the most as we walked side by side. "I can be obedient if I want to be."

He winced slightly and bent over, but got over it quite quickly, or had to pretend to for the benefit of the guests- I didn't do it thaaat hard.

"Luca please could you get the wine out the fridge and some water for Ella," Leo said.

"Of course," he squeaked and I had to hide a smile.

When we reached the dining table, Leo pulled a chair out and gestured for me to sit. He then sat beside me and then Xander slowly positioned himself opposite Leo and adjusted his tie and jacket before giving me a brief, slight glance with his bright eyes and a stern expression.

"So how long have you known your mate?" Xander asked shifting his eyes back to Leo.

"Just over a month," Leo replied as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen and the table.

"And you already have your heir on the way?" Alpha Xander said. "Good going Alpha."

"Well it is my Luna you should be congratulating. She's doing all the hard work," Leo said.

Xander turned to me and nodded, "Congratulations, Ella. How many weeks along are you?"

"Oh-um- two we think," I replied.

"Any luck finding your mate?" Leo asked.

"Not yet, but soon enough," Xander replied.

For the next half an hour the talk was pretty boring, something about a war agreement within the alliance pack. 'An attack on one is an attack on us all' seemed to be the only thing I really retained.

Luca brought round the starter about 15 minutes in. Which I sat and ate quietly without saying a word. Luca wasn't saying much either. We were sat opposite and he kept making goofy faces at me to which I had to try and contain my smile.

"Stop trying to make me do something wrong," I mouthed at him to which he responded by pointing to himself and put an offended look on his face as if I had just accused him of murder.

Another 15 minutes later Luca brought round the main cause which was the pasta thing. As he sat back down his long leg kicked me. I sat there for a few seconds trying to work if it was intentional. I eventually concluded that there was no way his leg would have naturally been going that far under the table whilst sitting down.

I swung my leg out to get him back but the end of my shoe only just grazed the end of his knee. I saw him smirk as he took a sip of his wine.

"Nice try shorty," he mouthed before plucking up a piece of pasta which promptly slid off his fork and onto his lap like a slimy little slug going down a water slide.

And that was the end of me.

I must have been in a funny mood because in hindsight, it wasn't even that funny.

A giggle escaped my lips before I slapped my hand over my lips. I caught the attention of both betas and both Alphas.

Luca was also trying to hold in a laugh by squeezing his nostrils. What is that even meant to do?

"Is everything okay Luna?" Xander asked me.

"Yes, thank you," I said quickly trying to keep a straight face.

He stared at me for a few moments as I continued to contain my laughter and simultaneously get more and more uncomfortable. I had to turn away and cover my mouth with my napkin as another fit of giggles came through.

"She's brave?" Xander said looking at Leo.

"I think just a little maturity failure from our youngest two diners," Leo said smiling taking my hand off my lap to hold on his lap under the table as I tried to compose myself.

I nodded before looking back at Luca which brought the picture back up again and made me have to slap my hand over my mouth again and holding in the laughter.

Leo rolled his eyes and sighed, "Ella, do you need to be excused for a moment?"

"No, I'm sorry, Leonardo," I said composing myself as best I could again.

"Care to share what's so awfully funny?" Xander asked.

"What is this, school?" I asked. "I'm alright, thanks."

It took a few moments and hard stares from people at the table for me to realise what I just said and in what tone.

I slowly covered my mouth with my fingers and lowered my head, looking at Luca as I went with wide eyes and gritted teeth.

"She is brave," Josef said in an even thicker accent as he exchanged a grin with Xander.

It was as if this was high-class entertainment for them.

"How old are you, Luna?" Xander asked me.

"17," I replied.

"And do you fear anyone in this room?" Xander asked.

What kind of question is that?

"Umm..." I said looking at Leo who only gave me a stern look.

"Ella," he urged with a nod. "Answer the question."

"It depends," I said as I watched Luca desperately trying to stab another piece of pasta on his plate.

"Right in this very second. Are you afraid?" Xander asked watching me intently. I know I couldn't lie, because he would know, but I was also concerned that the honest answer was the wrong answer.copy right hot novel pub

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