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Alpha Loren

Chapter 69 Candy, Amber and Feet

November 16th

Later that afternoon I showered in preparation for Luca's party.

"Don't come in. I'm changing!" I called as I heard Leo enter the bedroom realising I hadn't locked the bathroom door.

My wet hair was dripping down my back and all I had on was my panties, bra and a short white undershirt.

"Leo!" I exclaimed as he shamelessly walked in anyway.

"I wasn't planning on coming in until you mentioned changing," he replied looking at my lack of clothes.

"Inappropriate," I stated turning around to reach for my denim skirt. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

I took a deep breath in as I felt his body press against mine

"I just showered and we'll be..." I began before he flipped me around and I noticed the look on his unbelievably handsome face. "...Late."

He cocked his head to the side that sexy expression refusing to be usurped.

"Are you sure?" he whispered into my ear before gently kissing my mark. "I can make it quick."

"Absolutely sure," I moaned.

"Positive?" He asked deepening the kiss on my mark. A wave of pleasure spun through my body and I leant further into my mate. "You can't lie to me again and say you don't feel like it."

"Lie to you? Again?" I questioned.

"I know exactly what you're doing, Ells," he whispered. "You have the power to deny me something I want badly and you're gonna exploit that."

I put my hands on his chest and gave him a small push, "I'm not trying to have a war with you, Leo. But after seeing you last night come home covered in the blood of all the people you killed...and the way you spoke and the things you said...I can't just let you have me. That would be saying that I am okay with that. But I'm not."

He narrowed his eyes, "So yes. You won't let me fuck you because you don't want me to 'win'."

I only looked up to him only waiting for him to let go of me. His eyes were now once again cold and angry and his grip on me was tight.

"You can't resist me forever," he said before bringing his lips to my ear, "So I will win."

He then left the bathroom leaving me alone once again.

We didn't speak much again until we arrived at Luca's house an hour later. We were late but Leo had disappeared to his office for half an hour after our disagreement. I didn't know what he was doing but when he returned, he was far calmer and we left as soon as we were ready.

Luca bounded straight up to us, a beaming smile on his face.

"Alpha! Luna!" he bellowed wrapping his arms around both myself AND Leo.

There was nothing funnier than Luca except for Luca when drunk.

"Hey Luca," I replied before he finally released us from the bear hug.

"How come you guys are an hour late!?" he asked.

"We got a little...tied up," Leo answered.

"Ohhhh! I get you Alpha!" He shouted a little too loudly for comfort. "You totally had sex!"

"Luca keep your voice down!" I whisper-shouted.

"Sorry Luna. I have no social filter when I'm drunk," he replied in a hushed childish tone.

"You never have a social filter," Leo pointed out.

"And we didn't have sex," I hissed. "We definitely didn't have sex."

Luca narrowed his eyes, "What's going on with you two? Alpha, when was the last time you had a fuck."

"Not since he had a major personality change. I only have sex with my mate and whoever inhabited his body last night, is not my mate," I replied.

"Ella, if you're going to disrespect me, at least do it where I can't hear because the last thing you want to do it piss me off more than I already am," Leo growled grabbing my arm.

"I think you two need a drink," Luca said. "Come on."

"I'm sure the future Alpha likes fruit punch," he said after pouring a cup of the red liquid for me. "And I'm sure the current Alpha likes beer," he added handing Leo a can.

Leo immediately took my cup out of my hand and smelt it his face on full alert.

"Luca this is red wine, you moron. Are you trying to poison my heir?!" Leo yelled.

"Sorry Alpha. I must have got the bottles confused," he replied scratching his head in a confused manner. "Allison!"

"Yes," Allison replied appearing with a pretty brunette next to her a few seconds later.

"Where's the punch?" Luca asked. "You said you brought punch."

"There isn't any fruit punch Luca. That's the fourth time you've asked me this evening," Allison explained. "Hello, Alpha. Hi Ella," she added acknowledging us. "And I think you have had enough of that tonight," she finished taking the beer can out of Luca's hand just before he took another swig.

She left with the dark-haired girl, who looked a similar age, shortly before Luca picked up another beer can.

"Let me find you some orange juice Luna."

"I'm gonna go and talk to Allison," I asked Leo once Luca had got me the orange juice and then got distracted by God knows what.

Allison was stood by the stairs talking to the same girl. I wanted to tell her all about the success of the leaflets. I knew it was already public news around the pack but she deserved to know first hand what it was like to see those kids go home.

"No. Stay with me," he replied holding my hand tighter and leading me away from the stairs.


"Because I said so," he snapped.

Before I could protest again, somebody called his name.

"Alpha! Let's do shots!"

Of course. It was Luca.

"Who could say no to that...copy right hot novel pub

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