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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Came Back - Chapter One

And so, it is Summer. And we are free: me, my Master and Michael.

Having driven for an hour or so, we are coming close to our destination. Driving along the coast road, the sea close by, sparkling blue, and the sky an azure dome above, it could not be more perfect.

“According to the sat-nav, we should be nearly there.” says my Master, brow furrowed in puzzlement, “but I can’t see anything. Either of you spot anything I’m missing?”

Certainly, there is nothing that looks like a beach house in sight. There are dunes, pinned in place with tough grasses and with little pink belled creeping plants sprawling across the sand, a couple of small boats moored by a tiny quay, fishermen’s boats perhaps, and a small hotel a mile or so away. It is a gorgeous spot, but there is nothing that resembles the timber built, wooden shuttered beach house of my imagination.

Loaned to my Master for the Summer by the CEO of the company he is contracted to. The three of us: my Master, Michael, my Lover, and I, have travelled here to spend time together and generally, have fun…. but where is it?

“Perhaps we should ask at that hotel?” suggests Michael. “With so few houses around, they’re bound to know where it is, surely?”

“Mmmm, yes.” My Master nods and turns the car around, again, this being the third circuit we have made of this stretch of road.

Pulling up outside, he jumps out of the car, knocking at the entrance. The hotel, while small, looks expensive, with marbled steps leading up to an intricately carved door in some beautiful, dark hardwood. Tiled pathways lead around the sides, to terraces perhaps? And beyond…. is a view of naught but blue and white from one horizon to the other.

There is no reply.

He knocks again. Still no reply.

He stands back, looking around, puzzled, then after a moment he glances across to us, smiles, and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a key.

Slipping it into the lock, it turns…. and the door opens. Grinning, he turns back to us, waving his arms to invite us in.

Michael and I gape.

“This is the ‘beach house’ you’ve been loaned?” laughs Michael.

“That guy you’re working for must really like you, Master.”

He says nothing, shaking his head and looking smug.

Inside, we stand in a spacious hall, high ceilings and chandeliers above us, rooms off to either side. The floor is elegantly tiled, leading right through the house, to a vast picture window overlooking the sea.

“Oh…. My….God….” I say.

Michael stands, arms folded, just looking around. “I see why you were so keen to get that contract,” he says. “If this is one of the side benefits….. No wonder you wanted to celebrate that day…”

I smile inwardly at the sort of ‘celebration’ my Master is likely to have chosen. My voice all innocence, I ask “What did you do to celebrate, Master?”

He hesitates, looking away.copy right hot novel pub

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