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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Came Back - Chapter Twenty-Six

“Anyhow,” continues Haswell, “I think that a fitting conclusion to this is that we all get to know each other a little better. I would like to invite you to dinner at my home. I think it is about time that my fellow director met my wife, and I think, Charlotte, that you and Elizabeth would get along rather well.”

My Master looks stunned, but only briefly. Quickly he gathers himself. “Thank you, Richard, I’d like that.”

“And, when I say you….” continues Haswell, “I mean the three of you, since you appear to be a stable… unit… I think that, at least for the purposes of getting to know each other, you should all attend.”

As we leave, my Master mutters under his breath to me. “This should be interesting.”


We pull up the long, curved drive of a small mansion.

“Wow!” I say. “What a gorgeous place.”

The tree-lined, gravelled carriageway, set in manicured lawns, leads to an elegant portico: tiled steps leading up to a door, stone lions to either side.

My Master, wearing his best suit, rings the doorbell. Michael, also ‘suited and booted’ holds my hand. Unsure what to wear, I have chosen the safe option, and am wearing a classic ‘little black dress’; demure but sexy.

The door is answered by a man I do not recognise. “James Alexanders….” says my Master, “…with my friends.”

“Good evening Mr Alexanders. Do come in. Mr and Mrs Haswell are expecting you.”

Inside, the house is elegant, warm and obviously old. A mix of architectures suggests that it has been built and worked on over several centuries, but the style is mainly Georgian, all plaster coving, chandeliers, and tall windows.

The man leads us into a drawing room where Haswell and a woman are waiting for us. He has an air of expectant waiting about him.

“Good evening James, Charlotte, and you must be Michael?” He reaches to shake hands. “And this is my wife, Elizabeth.”

She is tall, willowy, red-headed and pale skinned, a few years older than me I think, but otherwise, I could be looking into a mirror. We stare at each other.

Finally, she speaks. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Charlotte. Richard has told me a lot about you. He… didn’t exaggerate.”

Remembering my manners, I step forward to shake her hand. “Nice to meet you, Mrs Haswell.”

“It’s Beth. And, you too.”

The men are standing silently looking at us. Michael looks utterly mesmerised, my Master intrigued. Haswell looks amused. “Forgive me, but I’d already met Charlotte. This is a surprise for you two.”

My Master shakes his head. “I feel like I’m seeing double.” Then, “My apologies, lovely to meet you at last, Beth. Your husband talks about you all the time.” And he steps to kiss her on the cheek.

Michael simply nods, smiling at her, then glancing back at me.


The dinner is excellent.copy right hot novel pub

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