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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter One


Sitting in my room, the small private space that I call my own, in the house I share with seven other students, my phone beeps. It’s an incoming message, from Michael

“Purchase completed fifteen minutes ago. Your Home awaits you.”


Fumbling, as I balance my bags in one hand, door keys to the lock in the other, I step into the hallway of the student house.

As I tramp upstairs, a voice floats down from the top floor; Marie. “That you, Charlotte?”

“Yup,” I shout back.

“You’ve got visitors…. They’re up in the kitchen here. I made them a coffee while they waited.”

I don’t get visitors. There is only one possibility. Racing upstairs, I dash into the kitchen, and, yes, it’s them, my Master and Michael, both grinning wildly.

“Surprise!” says Michael. He sweeps me into his arms, swinging me around, kissing me on the mouth.

My Master, more circumspect, touches me on the shoulder, kissing my forehead. “Hello, Charlotte. Lovely to see you.”

“Mas…. James! Michael…” Suddenly conscious of Marie’s stare, I say. “Oh, Marie. This is Michael, my fiancée and… James…. his friend. This is Marie, one of the other house shares.”

Marie is looking at Michael with far too much interest for my liking. “Ah…. the mysterious fiancée at last,” she says. “We’ve been wondering what you’d be like… Can’t say I blame Charlotte for keeping to herself so much when I see what she’s saving herself for….”

Michael says nothing. With his blond, blue-eyed, good looks, he always draws attention. My Master sucks in his cheeks, looking amused.

“Come on downstairs,” I say. “We can talk in my room. It’s a bit quieter there. Thanks for making the coffee, Marie.”

“Oh, no problem.” She eyes Michael, all too obviously, and he pointedly fails to notice.

Down in my room, with the door closed behind us, and now with privacy, my Master wraps his arms around me, holding me tight, his mouth opening over mine. His kiss is long and slow, and when he finally pulls away, he remains close, his arm pulling me in at the waist. “We’ve missed you,” he says.

“I’ve missed you too. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I’d have at least made sure I had some chairs for you to sit.”

“We thought you would enjoy a surprise visit.”

With the three of us in my mini-flat, it becomes obvious how small it. It’s fine just as my study room; a bed, a desk, bookshelves, a chair, wardrobe and built-in drawers, but now, my Master sitting on the single chair, Michael sits on the end of the narrow bed as I put on the kettle. Then I have to go back up to the kitchen to find a couple of extra mugs.

Returning with the borrowed cups, I make coffee. Michael comments “Snug. You might swing a cat in here, but it would have to be a small cat.”

“It’s fine. I only use it for working and sleeping.copy right hot novel pub

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