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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Nine


Richard puts down his phone, addressing Corby. “Charlotte is quite right to be ‘upset’. The circumstances of how she and James met are well known to us all, and there are no outstanding issues. It is strictly a private matter between the two of them. You were invited here to interview her regarding the Blessingmoors investigation, a topic which she finds very difficult to discuss, and it was only with reluctance that she agreed to it. You have gone well past any possible remit you had, in what you have done so far.”

His phone rings. “Hello? Ah, yes, Will. Thanks for calling back... Yes, she’s here. Yes, so is he. We’re having some difficulties I’m afraid….” He holds Charlotte’s gaze for a moment, then alternates to James’. “I understood that the object of this interview was to learn anything that Charlotte could offer regarding the Blessingmoors’ investigation. Instead, it’s opened with an attempt to blacken James Alexanders’ name regarding the business with the auction house... Yes, that’s right… Yes… I’ll pass you over to him.”

He passes the phone to Corby, who puts it to his ear, then recoils as a voice blasts down the line at him. Pale-faced, he turns to Charlotte. “It seems that Commissioner Stanton prefers that I only question you regarding Blessingmoors…”

Charlotte says nothing, simply staring him down.

“Perhaps we could return to the other room and continue our discussion?”

“No,” she says. “I’m not discussing anything with you. Or with anyone else, for that matter. I want an assurance that no attempt is being made to damage James before anybody gets another word out of me.”

Richard raises his eyebrows, but hands steepled under his chin, says nothing.

Corby protests. “Miss Conners, I assure you….”

“Forget it.” she snaps. “And I want it in writing. And until I have that, you’ll get no cooperation from me.” She nods to Michael and James. “C’mon. We’re leaving.”

My husband calls her. “Charlotte, wait…. Please.”

She looks at him, her face lowered, but there is nothing subservient or submissive about her. Regarding him from under lidded eyes, she softens a little. “Alright, Mr Haswell. Since it’s you….”

He tilts his head in acknowledgement, then turns to Corby.

“I’d like you to leave, now. We’ll rearrange the interview for another day, and with another officer.copy right hot novel pub

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