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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Thirty-Three


All I want is to stay there, in my Master’s arms, letting him rock me, but, “I’d like to do that Master, but there’s things I need to tell you…. and Michael and Richard…”

“Yes, I know. There are things I want to ask you, but we can spare a few minutes.” He holds me close, and I relax into the warmth of him, breathing in his wonderful perfume, musky and male.

After a little while he says, “Do you want to make love?”

“I’d like that, but….”


“Um, you’ll need to….” I’m not sure how to put this. I have never had to ask it before.

He takes me by the shoulders, looking into my face. “Charlotte, what is it? Talk to me.”

My face heating, “You’ll need to use a condom, Master. I’ve not been able to take my pill for the last few days….”

“Ah…. Yes, of course…. I’d become used to the luxury of not having to worry about that with you.” He kisses me on the top of my head. “Wait there. I’ll be right back.”

He returns five minutes later. “There are vending machines in the public bathrooms downstairs.” He sits beside me again on the bed, pulls a small foil packet from his pocket, placing it on the side table. His fingers running down the side of my face, “You are alright?”

“Yes, Master. I’m alright, just very tired. You don’t have to keep asking.”

He pulls the sheets from me, eyeing my bruised body. “Actually, I do. You might try to brush off what’s happened to you, but no-one gets into that condition without paying a price for it.”

Abashed I look away, not wanting to meet his gaze, but he pulls me into his embrace. “Shhh…”

As I sit up into his arms, he kisses my mouth, softly, stroking my hair, then traces his lips down to my shoulders, and around to the hollow of my neck. The scent of him drifts over me and I sigh, not exactly aroused, more enraptured, by my Master’s lovemaking. I want nothing more than to lie with him, close, my skin on his.

He cups my breast, his eyes drifting over a bruise which, starting on my chest, draws livid colour over the skin of the breast. As he stoops to suckle at a nipple, I see his eyes close. He does not want to look at me like this.

Standing, he unbuttons his shirt, stripping off his clothes. Unusually, he is not yet erect, his cock lying quiescent. But he slips between the sheets with me, pulling me down to lie with him, his arms encircling me again.

He begins to kiss me in earnest, almost with desperation. His fingers clinging into me, nails biting in, he pulls me in close at the hip, squeezing against me. And now his erection rises, hard against my thigh. His hand pressed, palm hard against my stomach, I part my legs, allowing him in. He strokes my belly, the soft skin of my thighs, his breath juddering and shaking.

For a moment he pauses, his forehead resting against mine.

“Master? Are you alright?”

His voice is thick. “When your signal vanished Charlotte, we thought we’d lost you. That was a hard moment. You must never, ever, do anything like that to me, to us, again.copy right hot novel pub

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