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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Forty-Three


Will says, “Charlotte’s father, Frank Conners, was murdered, either by, or at the instruction of, Lawrence Klempner.”

There is stunned silence, then, “Is it known why?” asks James. “He was involved with their trafficking trade?”

“We don’t know the motive. Perhaps that was it. What is also unknown, as yet, is how Charlotte herself, or as she then was, Jennifer Conners, came to be in Blessingmoors at all….”

“That file you had on her, said she was placed there as a ward of the court; that her mother was unfit….” I point out.

“Yes, that’s so.” agrees Will. “However, here we have a discrepancy because what has also emerged, is that Michelle Conners was not, in fact, deemed unfit as a carer, as the mother of a young baby. When we cross-referenced to the court records, there is nothing there to support the content of the Blessingmoors file….”

I am about to interrupt again, but Will raises a finger, silencing me. “And, what we now know is that in fact, Michelle Conners was, at that time, given a new identity for her own protection. Her child should have been with her at that point.”

“So, Charlotte’s mother is alive? She has a family?” demands James.

“We don’t know. We can’t find her. We have had officers visit her last known address, but that is from over twenty years ago. She’s dropped off our radar.”

He is about to say more when his phone rings. He glances at the scene. “Excuse me a moment. I need to take this call.”

He listens in silence then, “Yes? Good… and… Yes? I’m on my way.” He taps off the mobile. “The attacker they dragged from the building has woken up. He wants to plea-bargain. He’s ready to talk.”

“Does he know where Beth and Charlotte have been taken?”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”


Ill at ease, barely speaking, we wait. And we wait.

James paces the room. Richard sits, drumming the tabletop with his fingers. I fight down the nausea that rises every time I think about what Will has told us.

And Charlotte is in the hands of these people.

Richard’s phone rings. “Yes?” He covers the set for a moment. “It’s Will. Yes? Yes…. What!” He jots something down. “We’re on our way. How long before you can get there? Is that with back-up? Right!”

He clicks off.copy right hot novel pub

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