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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Was Hunted - Chapter Fifty-Five


“Keep going, Charlotte,” says Richard.

“Okay, um, Richard’s over-written some of the estimates on income and expenses, some upwards and some down. Err…. you’ve scrubbed out interest payments entirely, but added in some legal fees….”

“If I put cash into the project to replace bank funding, there won’t be any interest payments,” comments Richard.

Of course, yes….

I work my way through the rest. “You’re offering to cover all the building and development costs, plus some marketing, in exchange for a thirty per cent share?”

“I think thirty per cent is a bit steep, don’t you?” says Michael calmly.

Richard sniffs. “Well, that’s open to negotiation isn’t it.… but you’ve not stopped talking to me….”

The two lean across the table towards each other, Alternately taking the pen from the other, scribbling amendments on the paper bag, crossing-out previous notes and over-writing them. Richard is clearly enjoying himself. Michael, for all his restraint, is also, I think, enjoying himself.

I glance at my Master, who, lips pursed, is suppressing a smile. In a low voice, he says, “They’ve already decided they’re going to do it. It’s just the thrill of the chase now….”


The pen is tossed to the table-top. Richard and Michael stand, shaking hands. “Done!” says Michael. “Charlotte, meet your new shareholder.”


“My new shareholder?”

He rolls his eyes. “Didn’t you read any of those papers I showed you? About the purchase of the hotel and house?”

“Er… well, I scanned them quickly, but it all seemed a bit….”

He looks at me, face blank. “Boring? Is that the word you’re looking for?”

I hang my head. “Yes.”

Richard laughs. “You’d better start taking an interest in these things now, Charlotte. It’s a bit odd that I should know already that you’re a shareholder in ‘Life and Beauty’, but you don’t.”

Blushing. “Sorry. I didn’t realise.”

Michael grabs me under the chin. “We’re getting married. Of course you’re a shareholder.”

“On that subject.…” continues Richard, “Have you set a date?”

Michael goes very still.


“Er, we’d not really discussed it,” I say. “With everything that’s happened….” I glance at my fiancée.

He still doesn’t speak.

What’s he waiting for?

My Master breaks in. “I was rather hoping that I’d be asked to be Best Man.” He swings to Michael, who is suddenly wreathed in smiles. “You can take that as a heavy hint.”

“Who else would I ask?”

All eyes fix on me. “So, when were you thinking of, Charlotte?” My Master gaze is level.

That’s what Michael’s waiting for….

He still remembers that I only ever said ‘Yes’ to marrying him, under pressure….

….and he wonders if I will commit to a date?

I throw my arms around Michael’s neck, pulling myself up to kiss him. “How about the Spring? You should have the house and the hotel ready by then. We could have the reception on the mountain.”

His face lights up. “That would be wonderful.”

“There’s one other thing though….”

His face falls. Voice tense, “And what would that be?”

“Who’s going to give me away? I don’t have a father. But since it looks as though Beth and I are related…. somehow…., the nearest thing I’ve got is, a sort-of brother-in-law.” I look at Richard.

He beams. “Charlotte. I would be honoured. And Beth could be your bridesmaid?”

“I’d like that very much.”

My Master smiles as he watches me, and Michael is a man walking on sunshine.


Three months later….

Spring is here on our mountain. I sit on grassy slopes, cradling a mug of coffee. Beside me, sitting on a blanket, one leg outstretched, stiff from where it is still healing, is my Master.

The sun is shining, and there is the mood of a whole new start. From behind us comes the bang and clatter of the last of the workmen in the house, with occasional yelled instructions from Michael. His spa hotel is ready for guests and has a planned opening date for Easter Weekend, and thanks to Beth, lots of pre-bookings from well-heeled ladies.

Eyes slanted sideways to me, my Master asks, “You’re not too upset about not going back to college this year?”

“No, I’m fine. Doing it this way works just as well as actually attending. So long as we have a decent internet connection, I’m good.”

He still looks concerned. “You are sure of that? I don’t want any more sudden disappearances.”

I kiss him on the cheek. “I’m sure. Truly.copy right hot novel pub

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