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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Two

“On your knees, Charlotte,” says my new Master.

I obey, trying not to graze my knees on the stone flag floor.

Looking me straight in the face, he says, “Are you really a virgin, Charlotte?”

I nod dumbly.

“Is Charlotte your real name?”

Shake head.

“No of course not. But for the avoidance of doubt for you, the auction house knows exactly who I am.” He laughs. “If nothing else, they have my credit card details.”

Looking down at me, he tilts his head. “You are, how old? Twenty-two, was it?”

I nod.

“It’s not easy to be a twenty-two-year-old virgin these days. How did you manage it?”

“I got married. But he didn’t love me. I found out later that he’d only got married to please his parents… He…he didn’t like girls… On our wedding night, he wouldn’t…” I run out of words.

My Master sucks in his cheeks. “Not a good start to life, I have to agree. So, after the failure of this miserable marriage…?”

“I didn’t have anything. I didn’t know what to do. I want to go to college, but that needs a lot of money and my parents can’t afford to help, so…”

“So, you decided to sell the assets you have, to the highest bidder to fund your way through college?”


He leans forward, sliding a finger down the side of my face to my collar bone and down between my breasts. “A brave thing to do. I have to admire your guts, but it was astonishingly dangerous. You’re lucky to have me as your buyer. Men who play these sorts of games can have very…elaborate tastes in entertainment. I suspect you didn’t know what you were agreeing to when you signed that contract. I’m going to enjoy taking your cherry and I’ll test you to the edge with other games, believe me. But I won’t do anything that might hurt you, not permanently.”

I gulp at the thought of what this might mean. What is he suggesting?

“Tell me Charlotte. How much were you hoping to make out of this? That auction total was good, but it won’t get you through college.”

“I don’t really know. Just as much as possible.”

He pauses, obviously trying to choose his words. “The reason I am asking this Charlotte is that I have paid a very good price for you, but you could earn more if you are willing and if you have the nerve to carry it through.”

What does he mean? My mouth is dry and I simply wait for him to continue.

“Let me tell you a little about myself. You have done this because you dream of a better life. Good for you. I have dreams too. Perhaps fantasies is a better word… One of them is to have a young and beautiful girl kneeling naked in front of me.” He smiles down at me and I blush. “Another is…well, this is going to be your first time. They say that we all remember our first time and I suppose mine would have been about average. I was a young, incompetent fumbler, but an older woman did me a favour and guided me through. She made it good for me. I’ve always dreamed of being able to take a girl’s virginity and make her first time wonderful for her. Do you understand me?”

Feeling much reassured, “Mmm. That sounds…nice.copy right hot novel pub

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