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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Seven

“Charlotte,” says my Master. “Turn a little. I want to see you.”

Obediently, I turn, Michael following me from below. “Good girl. Now play with your nipples. Pinch them and roll them. Get them hard for me.”

Again, I obey, but with difficulty, as I am being distracted by Michael’s parting of my pussy lips with his fingers, his fingertip exploration inward, and the heat of his breath over my thighs. I am already wet as his fingers slide in, then thrust sharply upwards and…and…what?

Gasping, I stagger, an exquisite sensation piercing upwards through me. “What…? How…?” I don’t know how to frame the question.

Michael saves me the trouble, grinning as he pulls back to look up at me. “It’s your G-spot Charlotte. I love making women jump that way, more so when they don’t expect it.” He watches my face, his fingers insistently pushing and sliding against my inner walls. Self-control failing, my knees begin to buckle and I flail out, seizing him by the shoulders to keep my balance. “That’s okay Charlotte,” he says. “Lean on me. Let’s get you nice and liquid before James and I fuck you.”

He is succeeding. His hand is slippery with my pussy juices, and I can hear a sort of suction as his fingers work my inner wall. Staggering again as his thumb joins the party, flicking against my clit, I gasp and buck, struggling now to stay upright.

“Time to get you off your feet girl, I think,” he says. “What do you reckon, James?”

“Couldn’t agree more.” And I am swept up by two pairs of arms, deposited on the bed and pulled upright, but on my knees.

Kneeling on the bed, I am sandwiched. My Master, close behind me, hooks his arms under mine, pulling me backwards, and supporting me against his chest. His hands slip down over my belly, through curls, to my pussy lips, fingers parting me, exposing my clit and cunt to Michael, displaying me. “Open your legs further,” he whispers to me, his face close to mine, skin hot against me, fragrant with sweat and wine.

I am acutely conscious that I am naked, more than naked, exposed, whilst these two men are still fully dressed. True, both have erections obvious through their clothing but…

As Michael drops down between my thighs, my Master’s voice whispers again. “Watch him. Watch his tongue curl around your clit. Look in the mirrors.”

In the pale golden light of the candled mirrors, Michael laps at me. As the tongue slides over me, electricity firing up through me, the voice continues. “He’s tasting you. Your sweet pussy. Just as I did last night. As I’m going to again in a little while when he has made you ready for me. Are you wet Charlotte?”

“Mmm, yes,” I choke out. ‘Wet’ is the wrong word.copy right hot novel pub

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