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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Fourteen

The vibe continues working me. The fingers are still inside me. Their owner must surely feel the repeated clenching of my pussy muscles as throbbing rapture ripples through me.

As the moment passes, I collapse back, inert and spent, the glory fading.

The owner of the vibe speaks again, “My turn now girlie. On your knees.” Again, I am lifted bodily and this time pressed down to the floor on my knees. Vibe-man pushes his cock at my face. “Open wide.” Obediently, I gape to accept him.

As I wrap my lips around his throbbing shaft, he grabs the back of my head with both hands, moving me back and forth to the rhythm he wants. Not gentle, he pushes in and back, right to my throat, as I do my best to accommodate him. Stretching my jaws wide, trying to wrap lips around my teeth, I suck and lick as best I can, but he is mainly interested in simply plunging in, making me gag as his cock penetrates my throat.

I can’t take this. I can’t. Spluttering and choking, my eyes watering, I am beginning to panic when, all of a sudden, he withdraws and cums, spurting over my face and breasts.

Barely do I have time to register that this one has done, when I am pushed down onto all fours and a cock pushes into me from behind, fucking me hard, balls banging, hands kneading my breasts.

Another minute and this one finishes too. How many are left? I can’t take too much more.

Another cock fills me, pounds into me, spurts and withdraws. And another. Surely this must be all of them?

No, my Master and Michael are still there. Neither of them has cum in, on or over me. Looking around, I see my Master watching me, frowning slightly. He strides over, grabs me by a wrist and pulls me upright.

“Okay folks. She’s had enough for one night. You’ve all had a turn.”

I am surprised. “Master? But you and Michael haven’t…”

He cuts me off, “Michael and I will be taking you home now, where it’s a little quieter.”

Will there be any protest at my leaving? Apparently not. The rest of the group have apparently all fucked themselves out on me, at least for tonight.

I am still naked, sweating and dripping with a mix of body fluids. I really want a bath. And I ache inside. My inner muscles are now thoroughly non-virginal, but totally over-exercised. I need a rest.

“Come on Charlotte,” Says Michael, wrapping a blanket around me. “Let’s get you back home.”

I start to walk but totter uncertainly. Michael sweeps me up in his arms and carries me out to the car.

As we leave the room a voice calls after me, “Lovely to meet you, Charlotte. Perhaps another night eh?”

A second voice shouts, “Me too.copy right hot novel pub

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