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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Sixteen

“So, Charlotte. It is our final day together tomorrow.”

Stretched out on my back, my Master is lying beside me, stroking my stomach and left breast, as we keep company together on the bed in his beautiful mirrored room. Candles glimmer and their multiple reflections cast a gloried shimmering light.

Michael, on the other side of me, is suckling at my right breast, a free hand stroking at my thigh.

We are not exactly in lustful mood, more sensual: occupying a kind of sexual hinterland resulting from several days of roller-coaster, carnal adventure after I auctioned myself and my virginity to my Master.

I am not a Virgin anymore.

“Yes, Master. Our final day.”

“I hope you have enjoyed our time together? No regrets?”

“No Master. It’s been wonderful. You - and Michael - have opened my eyes; changed my view of the world.”

Michael chuckles through his mouthful of my right nipple. My Master smiles. “I can imagine. To have been through your miserable non-marriage… I know it wasn’t your fault, but there must surely have been times when you questioned yourself?”

Sighing, “Yes, that’s true. There were times when I wondered if it was me. Was I so unattractive that my own husband wouldn’t or couldn’t…”

My Master taps me lightly on the breast. “No!” His word is sharp, but his voice gentle. “Not true, Charlotte. Unattractive? You are beautiful. Truly beautiful. Do you seriously think I would have paid what I did if you weren’t? Girls in sore need of money are not that hard to find, you know.”

Michael hums an affirmative kind of noise through his full mouth.

Now it is my turn to chuckle and I pull myself up to sit cross-legged on the bed, breaking loose from Michael. “I suppose so Master, but nonetheless, I mean every word I say. I’ve actually had a wonderful week, and I do want to say thank you. To both of you.”

My Master does not speak, but a slow, pleased smile breaks over his austere face. Michael sits up next to me, wearing a charmed expression.

“My name’s not really Charlotte, you know.”

“Of course, I know.”

“I don’t mind telling you now, who I am. I know you’re a good man, good men. I can trust you both. It’s…”

My Master presses a finger to my lips.copy right hot novel pub

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