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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Ten

“What do you want, Charlotte?”

Who said that? Which of them spoke?

“I want…”


“I want…oh God. Fuck me. Please fuck me. I want to cum. I need to cum.”

My Master speaks. “Not yet, Charlotte, but it’s good that you’re learning to ask nicely. We can give you something as a reward for that. Michael, if you would.”

Michael crawls forward over the bed, sliding his hands over my shoulders, kneading and massaging my arms, back and neck. As the lash comes down again, and I jerk again in response, his hands slip around to my breasts, cupping and rubbing. My face near his now semi-erect cock, I can smell myself on him, my own perfume from where he has fucked me. He rolls and tweaks my hard nipples, arousal undulating down to my sex.

Mindless with lust, I howl as the lash licks my pussy. Pain ripples through me, echoed in my nipples where Michael now pinches hard. I am lost in the embrace of torment and ecstasy.

Oh, God…

“Please, please, I need to cum. Master, please.”

Something nuzzles at my entrance. My Master’s cock? No, it is something else. “I’m not going to fuck you yet Charlotte. I’m only going to come myself after I’ve finished you.”

There is a buzzing, a vibration, and something slips inside me, convulsing my inner muscles. Michael is still pinching, hard, and I whimper. Climax curls up within me, tormented groans squeezing past my lips.

Thumb and forefinger take my clit, rubbing gently, so gently, on my hot and swollen bud. It sends an unbearable surge through me from clit to spine, my thighs pitching and shoving against the excruciating-ecstatic thrill.

Orgasm takes me, welling up, overwhelming me as I scream and writhe in my bonds.

For long seconds, the finger works my clit, urging on my climax before pulling away. Then my Master smoothly sheathes himself in my pulsating cunt.

Through my sexual miasma, I can smell his arousal, a wild male scent that drives me even higher. His cock is huge, engorged, and already I can feel the tension of his own climax waxing. He fits me tightly, stretching me as he pounds inwards, riding me, my pussy slick and hot, his erection spearing me.

He slams in, thrusting hard, again and again, then, every muscle tensing into stillness, his release comes and he pours himself into me. His cock spurts and dances inside me, then, with a roar of satisfaction, he pulls out.

“Wonderful!” he exclaims. “Wonderful. Oh Charlotte, you’re a beauty. And you didn’t even ask me to stop.”

Limp with exhaustion, rosy with afterglow and wondering how I scrape myself off the ceiling, I ask, “May I lie down Master? I’m a little tired.”

“Of course.” My Master releases the cuffs, catching me as my now spaghetti-like knees give way under me. Scooping me up, he places me on the bed, pours a glass of wine and thrusts it in my hands.

“Relax Girl,” he says. “You’ve had enough for one day.copy right hot novel pub

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