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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Sold Herself - Chapter Twenty-Five

The ‘gift’ is a vibrator, a beautiful vibrator. This is not the standard high-street model, 2 x AA batteries and off you go, model. Silvery, it is sleek and expensively plated, with a satin soft, velvety finish. There is a set of touch-button controls with a small read-out screen.

I gape and Michael grins. “As I say, make yourself comfortable. Entertain yourself until we come back, but, um, not too much, eh…. We all want to attend the party.”


I lie, lounging on the huge bed in my Master’s mirrored room. It is such a lovely room, not overly-large, but large enough for what is needed. There is little in here except the bed, centred between mirrored walls, and thick carpets on the floor. The lighting is low, with fat candles on wall sconces, their light scattered and splintered by the mirrors that surround me on all sides. I see myself, reflected a hundred times back and forth, in the light of a thousand ghostly candles.

Relaxing in the comfort of the sheets, black and sleek, the smooth fabric is sensual and warm against my skin.

I am wearing little; a simple white lacy camisole, in a smooth and sensuous silk, another gift, which accentuates my already pale skin and red hair. My Master and Michael never haggle over the cost when we have our time together. I have never truly learned how they earn their livings, but I really don’t care. That is not the side of them I see.

I am wearing the snowy silk garment at my Master’s request. When I phoned him to ask if I could visit for Valentine’s, he was delighted.

“Any special requests Master?” I asked. “That I should know about?”

“Wear white Charlotte, please. Buy yourself something pretty. I’ll pay for it.”


“Yes, white. I’d like you to look… virginal again.”

I laugh. “I’m hardly a virgin anymore, Master. You saw to that. You paid quite a lot for it as I remember.”

“Yes Charlotte, I paid for it, but it felt like a gift from you. You could have held back, or delivered grudgingly, but you gave yourself to me fully and completely. It is a treasured memory for me.”

“And you would like to… take my virginity again…?”

He is silent for a moment, then “Something like that…. Wear white Charlotte, for me.”


I take the vibrator and fiddle with the controls. After some experimentation, I find that I have an On/Off control, a speed

ower control, and a third which runs a series of programs of rise and fall power settings.

Lying back in the sheets, I set the vibe to a low power and through the satin of my cami, trace the outline of my clit, catching my breath at the tingle.

What do they have in mind today? Who knows?

But I think they are happy to have me warm myself over, to be ready for my tall, dark Master and my Golden Lover.

My pussy, twitching under the kiss of the vibe, my clit hardening to a stiff nub, I fantasise about the worlds my two Masters will take me to today. For sure, I will be filled, fucked to conclusion, but how will they do it? Together? In turns? Or will one fuck me, while I pleasure the other?

My pussy is running liquid and loose now.copy right hot novel pub

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