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Chapter 10

Kimberly stared at Mr. Gareth with confusion written all over her face. How did he notice? Was it that obvious?

“If you don’t feel comfortable talking here, we can go outside” he suggested, making Kimberly realize that she can’t find her way out of this one, because Mr. Gareth wasn’t willing to drop the subject.

Although, Kimberly is open with of Ian’s parents, she doesn’t know how Ian would react if he found out she told his dad about their fight, but she desperately needed someone to talk to at the moment, so she nodded in agreement and they left the party.

Kimberly and Mr. Gareth walked out of the house through the back door and arrived at the pool area. She felt herself relax as she was now in the fresh air, away from the crowd. It made her feel as if she had nothing to worry about, which was far from the truth but she couldn’t help it, she always felt that way when she was somewhat close to nature.

“Let’s take walk” Mr. Gareth said

Kimberly had totally forgotten that she had come out here with him in the first place. It seems her fight with Ian was taking a huge toll on her without her realizing it. Was it because she couldn’t find a way out of this one? Kimberly had thought of several options or excuses but she couldn’t come up with anything other than the only two options that kept replaying in her head. It was either she disobeyed her dad and go on this camping trip or lose her fiancé. She could see that slowly coming to reality if Ian keeps up with this act.

If you ask Kimberly, she would say both weren’t an option to take because she doesn’t wish to disobey her dad neither does she want her relationship to have the slightest crack, not to mention, coming to an end. This was really nerve-wracking, who even came up with the stupid idea of camping?

Mr. Gareth carefully watched Kimberly as she was internally fighting with her thoughts. What has gotten her this worked up? He wondered before taking her hand in his. His action took Kimberly by surprise and she immediately came out of her trance, she guess he must have noticed her nervousness.copy right hot novel pub

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