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Chapter 16

Kimberly was impressed with the cabin once she got inside. It was simple and had a homey touch to it. There was a fireplace in the living room to keep them warm at night, two sofas and a recliner which can certainly accommodate the six of them comfortably, a small dinning room close to the living room and then there is a kitchen.

A staircase led to the bedroom. Luckily, there were three bedrooms which was a huge relief for Kimberly who had thought they would be sharing a room or two. The room was simple with nothing special, just a bed, a nightstand on each side of the bed, a table and chair across the bed.

Everything in the cabin was made of wood. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all, Kimberly thought to herself. While staring at the room, trying to take in every detail, she realized there was nowhere to charge a phone, but, that wasn’t even the weirdest part of Kimberly’s discovery. She also found out that there wasn’t any bathroom, this made her freak out. How was she supposed to shower? She wondered and was about running out of the bedroom when she bumped into something hard, causing her to fall on her butt.

“Where are you heading to in such a hurry?” Ian asked which a light chuckle, stretching out his hand for Kimberly to take which she did with a scowl.

“It’s not funny” she muttered

“Okay, I'm sorry” he apologized with his hands in surrender while trying to stiffle a laugh

“So… were you looking for me?” he asked in a seductive voice

“Ian, this is ridiculous. How am I supposed to shower with no running water not to even mention a bathroom”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” he asked with a raised brow

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“You’ll get the hang of it, I promise” Ian said with an amused look on his face

“This isn’t a joke” Kimberly retorted angrily, wondering how she was going to enjoy a week in the woods without proper amenities.

“Come on babe, loosen up a bit… give me a smile, will you?” he cooed, wrapping his arms around her waist

“This better be worth it”


Kimberly woke up the next morning to an empty bed which was new. Ian has never woken up before her so this was surprising. Where could he have gone to this early? She wondered, staring at the clock which read 7:00am. She lazily dragged herself out of bed and headed downstairs. Where is everyone? Kimberly wondered as the cabin was really quiet. She got to the living room and there was no one there, then she heard noises coming from the kitchen and decided to go check.

On reaching the kitchen, she found Britney and Amber making breakfast while chatting and giggling between themselves. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t even notice her presence. Great!

“Good morning” Kimberly greeted, finally gaining their attention

“Oh, hey Kim” Britney cheerfully replied

“Hi” Amber waved

“Um… where are the guys?” she awkwardly asked

“They went out for a morning run” Amber replied


“I wanted us to have a little girls chat before they get back, but you were fast asleep.copy right hot novel pub

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