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Chapter 21

Roy sat in his car parked just outside his house, thinking to himself.

He hasn’t wronged the moon goddess in anyway, at least there’s none he can think of, so why was he being punished?

The rumors of him being cursed was spreading like wild fire and he was slowly losing his mind because he could do nothing about it.

If it were up to him, he wouldn’t be this bothered by the rumors and just accept his fate, but the problem was his authority was being questioned as the alpha of the blue moon pack because he couldn’t get them a Luna. He had to retrain himself from tearing apart those who questioned his authority by locking himself away from everyone for several days until his wolf calmed down.

He can’t kill his pack members with his own hands, that would be him going contrary to what he stood for as an Alpha.

His dad died while protecting his pack from rogues, so caring for his pack was his priority no matter what and he isn’t going to do anything contrary to that.

He knew his pack members were only getting frustrated because they’re scared that pack is going to fall apart if he doesn’t have a mate by his side to guide him when necessary.

He was willing to tolerate their excesses even though it was going to be difficult to control his wolf, preventing it from hurting a pack member and using that person as an example for others to learn from.

Roy had promised himself that if things get too extreme, he would have no choice but to take a severe action, so no one in the future would even dare to think of overthrowing him as an alpha of his pack.

With that resolution being made, he got out of his truck.

Roy sensed that something was different about his surrounding, but he couldn’t actually decipher what it was or why he felt that way.

After taking a look around his surrounding one last time, he headed for his front door but it was locked, he tried again but got the same result. He didn’t recall locking his door this morning before leaving.

The fact was, he never locks his door because no one would dare to come without his knowledge or permission, so this was quite strange.

He tried opening the door one last time just to be certain, when suddenly his nose caught an unfamiliar scent. He slowly stepped away from the door.

Someone is here, he could tell by the scent but who could it be? He wondered, walking towards the back door, it was opened to his relief.

On entering the kitchen where his back door led to, he noticed that nothing was out of place, so he decided to check the living room.

As soon as he got to the living room, the unfamiliar scent became stronger. He glanced around the room and saw that everything was in order, but a deep sense of unease consumed him for not being able to find where the scent was coming from.copy right hot novel pub

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