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Chapter 6

Kimberly couldn’t help but laugh at Ian who was repeatedly grumbling about the welcome party his mom mentioned earlier.

“Babe, please finish your meal” she said stiffling a laugh

“You don’t understand. I told her that a party wasn’t necessary since I'll be leaving soon” he replied with a frown

“It’s okay babe”

“It’s not okay! She never listens to me!” he yelled making Kimberly flinch.

Ian noticed her reaction and felt bad for frightening her with his unnecessary anger.

“Baby I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you” he apologized, taking her hand in his, placing light kisses on her knuckles

“I understand” she quietly replied, stabbing her food with her fork, suddenly losing her appetite.

“Would you at least finish your meal?” she murmured, glancing at Ian who still had that upset look on his face.

“Alright” he replied and resumed eating

After lunch, Kimberly did the dishes while Ian stayed in the living room watching a movie. She couldn’t help but think back at Ian’s outburst. He scares her whenever he gets angry and that tends to happen pretty often. His anger was always triggered by little things which makes her wonder if that was a military thing, but she decided not to dwell too much on it so she doesn’t ruin their time together.

When she was done with the dishes, she joined Ian in the living room, cuddling up against him on the couch. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and whispered

“I’m sorry”

She smiled at this simple gesture, her insides fluttering from his touch. They stayed like that watching the movie before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Kimberly was woken up the next morning by her ringing phone. She looked at her surrounding and realized that she was in the bedroom. How did she end up here? The last thing she remembers was that they were in the living room watching a movie. She was brought out of her thoughts by her phone ringing again, then she felt a movement on the bed and realized that Ian was also asleep and would wake up any minute, if she doesn’t pick her call. The alarm suddenly went off, causing her to flinch.

“Just great!” she exclaimed, immediately turning the alarm off so Ian doesn’t wake up.

Just to make sure, she stole a glance at her fiancé and thankfully he was still asleep but it won’t be long before he wakes up, she told herself, letting out a yawn and wiping off the remaining sleep with the back of her hand. She reached for her phone while quietly getting out of bed and looked at the caller ID, a wave of guilt instantly flooded her as she saw her dad’s name on the screen.

“How stupid of you Kim” she muttered, mentally face palming

“Hello? Dad, I'm so sorry, I should’ve called last night, please forgive me.copy right hot novel pub

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