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Chapter 9

Kimberly took gentle steps as she climbed down the stairs because she was a little nervous, wondering if Ian was mad at her for forgetting about the party.

She saw Ian typing away in his phone, as the living room came into view. She stood at the end of the staircase and let out a heavy sigh before speaking up to make her presence known.

“I’m ready.” She said, earning Ian’s attention.

Kimberly noticed the way Ian stared at her for a few seconds before composing himself. He had a look of admiration in his eyes, but quickly shook it off because of his stupid pride.

Kimberly hated the fact that Ian let’s his pride get the best of him. She didn’t care anymore if he was going to compliment her or not, she just wanted them to get everything over and done with, so she could come back home and get some rest because today has been one heck of a drama filled day and she very well hated drama.

Ian stood up from the couch and put his phone in his blazer pocket, before walking to the front door and held it open for Kimberly, who let out a disappointed sigh and moved her feet towards the front door.

The ride to Ian’s parents house was quiet, causing Kimberly to distract herself by playing with her phone. She could feel Ian occasionally stealing glances at her but she didn’t care. If he wasn’t going to speak to her, then they’d remain this way. She sometimes wonder who the older person is between them.

Kimberly’s thoughts were soon disrupted by the car coming to a halt. She took a look at her surrounding and realized that they’d reached Ian’s parents house.

It’s a beautiful mansion, but not like those exaggeratedly large ones owned by celebrities. Ian’s parents and a couple of maids who worked for them are the only ones who now occupied the building, as all their children are grown ups, who now have families of their own with the exception of Ian. He is the last of three children, having an older brother and sister.

Max, Ian’s older brother is also in the military, the Air Force to be precise. He already is a senior officer with two kids, who are already teenagers.

Then, there’s Lucy, Ian’s older sister who’s also married with two kids. She a psychologist, married to a renowned lawyer and lastly, there’s Ian, a junior officer in the Navy and her fiancé.

Kimberly slowly analyzed her thoughts and realized that all the male in Ian’s family joined the military, including Ian’s father’s, who is a retired Air Marshal in the Air Force.

This made Kimberly wonder what would become of their male children when they start having a family.

Will her sons also join the military? Or would they have normal jobs?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the car door opening. She stared at Ian who held the car door open for her. He had a slightly annoyed look on his face.copy right hot novel pub

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