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Chapter 14

“I’m going to miss you so much Dad” Kimberly said to her dad over the phone.

“Me too honey. Promise you’ll give me a call everyday” her dad said in his lovely fatherly voice

Kimberly couldn’t deny his request even when she was aware of the fact that it won’t be possible

“I'll try to do that” she replied, feeling bad for making an impossible promise.

She had no idea if there was going to be signal where they’ll be camping

“Okay sweetheart. Have a safe trip and say hello to Ian”

“I will dad. Please take good care of yourself until I get back” she pleaded, with much concern in her voice.

Kimberly could hear her dad’s laughter at the other end of the phone, making her internally roll her eyes. She knew her dad was only laughing as a cover to act like he was strong but the truth was that he wasn’t, he always had that pained and lonely look on his face when no one was watching, making him look much older than he actually was. She felt bad and mad at herself for not being able to help him whenever he felt that way. What kind of daughter was she, actually? She wondered to herself.

“You sound like I'm a child… honey, I'm your father” her dad finally said, stressing the last part.

“Promise me dad?” Kimberly pressed, her voice firm this time

“Okay, okay, I promise. Love you honey”

This brought a smile to Kimberly’s face, her dad always kept to his promise, although she knows it’s going to be quite difficult for him to take his thoughts away his deaf wife, but she could tell that he would try for her sake.

“I love you too Daddy. Goodbye” she quietly said before hanging up

“And who do you love besides me?” Ian asked, breaking the short silence as he hugged her from behind

Kimberly could tell from the sound of his voice that he was smiling. She wondered what he was doing in the bedroom when he was supposed to be downstairs putting their duffel bags and essential supplies in the trunk of Simon’s mini van.

“We’re you eavesdropping?” she managed to ask with her head backwards, giving Ian more access as his lips worked on her neck while his erection poked her back, causing her to feel intoxicated.

This man just doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself.copy right hot novel pub

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