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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Ethan, Make Love To Me

**Ethan‘s POV

“You need to take it easy, Alpha,” Richard told me as I gazed out at the ocean, looking back at the island we were sailing away from.

“I‘m fine,” I grunted at him. The injuries I‘d sustained during the fight with Soren were nothing compared to how I felt on the inside.

That b*stard. He had come up with this plan. He had somehow known what I would do and used it to his advantage. I slowly shook my head, wondering how he got to be so… conniving.

“How are the rest of the operations tonight?” I asked Richard.

“We were able to hack into their communications, which has essentially cut the islands off from the mainland,” Richard said with a nod of satisfaction.

“That‘s encouraging,” I told him. “Maybe we can use that to our advantage if they transmit any important information?”

“Perhaps, but I believe they may be aware of it,” he said. “We will continue to monitor the situation.”

“And the supplies?” | asked.

He shook his head. “They were moved off from the island before we had a chance to take them, but we were able to observe the supply route and send that information back to the capital.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Talon has gotten the report?”

“Yes. Beta has sent Samual along the transportation route. We‘ve got enough men to organize an ambush on the supply vessels when they get close to the mainland. That will greatly reduce the supplies the enemy is able to utilize along the coast.”

The confident smile on Richard‘s face was well earned.

“Good,” was all I could manage to say, but I was pleased with their work.

At least we had managed to accomplish something while we were on the island.

Soren may have lured me in, but at the same time, that gave my men an opportunity to complete their tasks.

“Alpha, you‘ve got wounds in your shoulder and your side. We‘ve bandaged you up, but none of us are doctors. You should rest.”

Richard didn‘t know how to back off. I turned and looked at him, my eyebrows furrowed and my eyes narrowed. He put both hands up, palms out, as if to say he understood.

I nodded, but I didn‘t want to talk about it.

“I‘m fine.” I sighed. It wasn‘t his fault. I‘d gotten only myself to blame.

Soren lured Rosalie out to see us fighting.

It hadn‘t been that difficult for him to convince her that I was the bad guy in all of this, because I wasn t completely

honest with her.

And I knew the reason I was able to get away. That was simply because Soren allowed me to.

It was almost like a game of cat and mouse where the cat enjoyed standing back and watching the mouse run but was content in letting it get away–for now. He wanted to see me live to suffer.

He wanted to see me suffer without Rosalie.copy right hot novel pub

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