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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 127: Bad News Times Two

Chapter 127: Bad News Times Two

**Soren’s POV

The war was not exactly going as planned, and it was starting to p*ss me off. It seemed like Ethan was a ghost like he was somehow everywhere and nowhere all at once. Whenever I turned around, he was there, attacking. Yet, somehow, he was also behind me.

It was getting really f*cking annoying.

So… I had gone to the front myself. With Ethan cutting off our supplies, I knew we wouldn’t be able to hold him off for long. However, I just needed to distract him a bit longer.

I cursed under my breath. D*mn it, Damian, you’d better be quick!

Sitting in my makeshift headquarters, an older home we’d confiscated in one of the villages we’d been holding for a while, I looked at the information that had been brought to me and tried to come up with something. Even my most intelligent commanders were at a loss, and my eyes were beginning to cross from staring at the data for so long.

“F*ck Ethan!” I mumbled to myself.

A knock at the door had me turning around as Thomas came in.


“What is it?” I asked him, not wanting another update about how Ethan and his ghost brigade had managed to take another shipment of supplies before they reached our troops.

Thomas had a look on his face that told me that whatever it was he was about to tell me, it wasn’t good. In fact, his wrinkled brow and the way his mouth was drawn down at the corners told me it was perhaps the most grave of all of

the reports I’d gotten so far.

“Just tell me, Thomas,” l implored him, trying to keep my composure.

“I have two pieces of information to tell you, sir, and neither of them are good,” he said.

“Then you may as well just spit them out,” I replied.

He cleared his throat. “I’ve just received word from Commander Edgar that we need to move. It’s no longer safe for us to be here as the line is beginning to buckle. If you stay here much longer, you’re likely to be taken prisoner.”

I stared at him a moment before I said, “I can fight, you know? I’m fully capable.”

He nodded, “Of course, I know that, så. All of us are capable. It’s only… the enemy forces far outnumber our own, and many of our warriors have already retreated to a point south of here, abandoning this position.”

I squeezed the bridge of my nose for a long moment, cursing every single one of those cowards before I said, “Fine. We’ Il make preparations to move somewhere else. For now. Until we can figure out how to take this position back and hold it. What else?”

Thomas stared at me unspeaking, and it was confusing to me.

You did say you had two things to tell me, did you not?”

“Yes, I did,” he finally said, dropping his eyes to the ground before he lifted them slightly. “I received a phone call from Lola earlier.”

“A phone call?” I repeated. “I thought we weren’t calling because of the lines of communication being compromised.

“That’s right, sir, but under the circumstances, she thought it best, and we had a code word anyway for this situation. We hoped it wouldn’t ever need to be used.copy right hot novel pub

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