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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 138 Reign of a New Queen 

**Rosalie’s POV The north was more than I ever dreamt it to be. Since the moment I arrived, they had shown me nothing but kindness. I was a savior to them. While I certainly didn’t think of myself that way, it made me feel good that I could help. “Rosalie!” Seraphine called out as she walked into my suite. I hadn‘t seen her for a couple of days. “Are you settling in okay?” Looking around the Luna Queen suite I had been placed in, I felt nothing but overwhelmed. It was beautiful, but I felt like they were expecting more than I could give them. “Yes, it‘s beautiful.” I didn‘t want to seem ungrateful, but deep down, I couldn‘t help but feel out of place. This wasn‘t the life I had wanted. All I wanted was to live a small peaceful life with my son and be an average person. Yet, as soon as I had come to the north, I was thrust into the life of a royal. “I can tell something is bothering you.” Her motherly tone made me smile. Seraphine had looked out for me since day one. She wasn’t my mother, but her role in my life was a very close second, “I‘m fine. I promise. This is just more than I was expecting,” I assured her. Understanding passed over Seraphine‘s face as she walked around the room, admiring what had been set up for me. “I know it’s a lot, but you have to know how important this is.” How has my life become so chaotic? “I‘m not sure about all of this, Seraphine,” I admitted. “I came here for answers, yes, but I never expected to be thrust into this kind of life.” “I know, but it‘s your birthright,” she stated causing me to sigh again. I knew what it was, but it didn‘t mean I wanted it. No one seemed to really ask me what I wanted. It was as if they just expected me to take on the task without asking questions. And that just wasn‘t the person I was anymore. Filled with trepidation, I let out a heavy breath, taking a seat on the sofa. “Don‘t worry about me. Um, is everything okay with you? I haven‘t seen you for two days.” Seraphine was always around, but I also knew that she had been busy ever since we returned. Before Seraphine could answer, soft knocking at the door caught my attention, and as the door slowly opened, I watched as High Priestess Cerina entered with someone. That someone made me so happy that I wanted to cry. “Georgia!” I stood and quickly wrapped my arms around her. “Oh, Rosalie–” she whispered, hugging me tight, “it‘s so good to see you again. I came as soon as I heard you were here.” Pulling back, I smiled at her.

Dirt and soot covered her skin, showing evidence of her fighting. Her eyes were tired and worn, and I could only imagine the things she had been through. She seemed more burned out, but there within the depths of her eye still–lurked the spark of a fire. One that I was sure appeared on the battlefield. “I am so glad to see you as well. I‘m sorry for leaving–” I knew I didn’t have to apologize, but the tight–lipped smile she gave me told me she understood. “It‘s all in the past,” she replied slowly, looking down. “I take it we have a baby now?” Laughing, I nodded my head as I took her hand and led her over to the white bassinet in the middle of the living room. My child‘s sleeping form laid calm and peaceful, wrapped in the blue knitted blanket I had made him so long ago. “Rosalie–” Georgia gasped, her hand coming across her mouth with tears in her eyes. “He is so beautiful…. What did you name him?” “I haven‘t decided yet,” I replied, turning my eyes back to him once more. She was right. He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen, but perhaps that was my biased opinion as his mother. “No name yet? Hey, you know, I have a lot of ideas.copy right hot novel pub

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