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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 187 Ethan, Have You Ever Loved Me?

Chapter 187 Ethan, Have You Ever Loved Me?

I blinked a few times and then opened my eyes. Everything felt strange, but the pain I’d been feeling only a moment ago quickly dissipated.

I was no longer in the bedroom with Rosalie. Instead, I was lying in a meadow full of velvety green grass with bright purple flowers dotting the landscape. Above me, a bright azure sky provided a pic turesque backdrop for bright fluffy clouds that lazed by.

Pulling myself up to sitting, I spotted a quaint temple in the distance. It instantly reminded me of the one I’d visited with Rosalie a few days before, though I wasn’t certain it was the same one.

Standing, I headed over to the temple, wondering what I might find inside. The building called to me, its stone facade twinkling in the bright sunlight as if it were glowing.

Even before I reached the large wooden doors, adorned with carvings of the Moon Goddess, I felt a yearning in my heart that let me know precisely who I would find inside.

Pushing the door open, I entered

A red runner lined the walkway in front of me, leading up to the altar where the statue of the Moon Goddess, with her white flowing hair and outstretched hands, looked down upon the place of worship.

Beneath her, laid out as if this was a funeral, lay my sweet Rosalie, her eyes closed, her chest still,

As I walked toward her, I noted the beauty of the white dress she wore, how it sparkled in the soft can dlelight that surrounded her at the altar. Her hair was curled and framed her face and shoulders, and her long eyelashes and bright red lips made her look as lovely as I’d ever seen her.

But it was clear my Rosalie wasn’t just sleeping.

She was gone.

With tears in my eyes, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, savoring the feeling of her mouth on mine.

When I lifted my head, Rosalie gasped, sucking in a deep breath. I moved aside and looked down at her as her eyelids fluttered a few times, and then her eyes opened, and she was staring at me.

“Ethan?” she asked.

It took me a few seconds to figure out what I should do. I tried to calm my racing heart, worrying that my loud heartbeat may scare her away again.

I almost wished time could stop here, forever.

But she asked again tentatively, “E-Ethan?”

I felt my throat tighten, but finally, I answered. “I’m here, Rosalie.”

I took her hand as she slowly turned her head to look around. Once she had her bearings, she sat up. and I steadied her so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

“I… I think I must be dreaming,” she mumbled.

Thinking back to the last memory I had from before I awoke in the field of flowers, I concurred. “It’s a beautiful dream,” I told her.

A soft smile lit her face. “I thought I might never get to see you again.”.

“I’m here,” I told her again, and she nodded. I reached up and caressed her porcelain cheek, my thumb lingering on her cheekbone. “I’m here now.”

“It’s so quiet and peaceful here. I’m glad we finally have a chance to talk. Alone.” Her smile widened, and I felt a rush of joy and sadness mingling together in my heart.

I knew precisely what she wanted to talk to me about. It was the same conversation I’d been putting off for days. We had so much to discuss.copy right hot novel pub

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