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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 201 King Kal Retreated

Chapter 201 King Kal Retreated

I left the hospital tent quickly, trying to keep the heat out of my face. Ethan had been so quick to dismiss me, telling me to just go do what I needed to do, and I felt embarrassed for even being so concerned about him to begin with.

Especially when he was wearing the ring that he had given to Madalynn.

I knew he didn’t ever have feelings for her, but it was still hard to swallow that he once planned to marry her. It wasn’t fair, I got it, but my emotion didn’t always agree with my logic.

I sighed and headed around the camp, doing the chores that I’d listed off to him, but also doing other ones as well.

My goal was to try to forget about Ethan for the time being and concentrate on other urgent things.

Now, I knew how he had felt when I used to dismiss him and ignore him when he was the Rogue King, and I was his prisoner. Granted, the situation was different then, but still… being rejected hurt.

“Are you all right, my Queen?” one of the citizens who was helping in the supply closet asked me as we stacked supplies next to one another.

“I’m fine,” I reassured him, but it wasn’t true. My mind couldn’t stay off of Ethan. I just kept thinking about everything that had happened.

He took the risk to go after Madalynn because he thought I was in danger. I knew Ethan cared about me. He’d done a lot to help me and support me; he had even given his life for me. But I still wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about me.

Was it guilt? Was it because of Rowan? Or was it because of… maybe he did have feelings for me?

But then… if that was the case, why had he been keeping his distance? I felt he interacted with me just like he interacted with other people. When I was just in there with him, why did he dismiss me so quickly?

It was confusing, and it left me bewildered as I finished up in the supply tent and went back to the other medical tent to check on patients there.

As I walked over, I thought about the other dream I’d had, the one in the Moon Goddess’s temple.

“Have you ever loved me?”

His answer was, no, never.

Was it real?

If it was, should I continue to pursue him like a foolish girl?

If it was, I needed to stop that. I needed to stop embarrassing myself.

However, it was just so hard to stay away from him. Whenever we were together, he caused my heart to flutter like a schoolgirl in love.

But I wasn’t a schoolgirl; I was a queen. And I couldn’t afford to act foolishly. It could affect my people.

I was almost to the medical tent when a messenger caught up to me. He came rushing over, waving a paper in his hand. “My Queen!” he shouted, and I paused mid stride to turn to face him.copy right hot novel pub

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