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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 21: The Golden Generation  

Rowan I could’ve kissed the ground at the rocky, wind-swept beach when our boat finally reached the small port of Red Lakes. The journey had been the most difficult thing I had ever done, and I was sure I was going to die at least twice before we finally saw the rolling hills and snow-capped mountains of Red Lake’s territory in the distance. The precious cargo, our solar panels, had made the journey unscathed. We hadn’t lost a single crewman, and our boat was in one piece. The forty-foot swells had tossed us mercilessly, but we had survived. The journey across the Ghilhanda Sea was doable. We had been successful. And my success was met with a prize. My mate. I felt her the second I set foot on the beach. I could smell her, her scent warm and comforting like honey and freshly baked bread. She smelled like home somehow, but a home I’d never known. A home, I realized shortly after Eugene introduced me to his daughters, that I would likely never know. Because the beautiful Hanna, with her dark, lustrous hair and warm brown eyes, was betrothed to another man. And I was meant to marry her older sister, Kacidra. Red Lakes was everything I expected it to be. It was densely wooded and mountainous, the water of the vast, seemingly endless lake the village bordered was just that, red, its rocky beach dappled with strangled colored burnt orange and green rocks. The trees here were the real prize, thick evergreens and redwoods with trunks so thick your hands wouldn’t touch if you wrapped your arms around them. These trees were older than the earth itself it seemed, ancient giants towering over man’s creation with their thick branches outstretched and full to create a never-ending canopy over the small, sleepy village the Alpha of Red Lakes and his family called home. Eugene was a small man, standing nearly a foot shorter than myself but with a loud, outgoing personality to make up for it. He was vibrant and domineering, demanding and receiving respect from the three hundred or so pack members who accepted him as their leader. Eugene had forged a path for these people. He had accomplished what was seemingly impossible when he broke away from the packs of Finadli and traveled north with his flock, knowing full well the separation would be a dangerous endeavor. But they had survived, and thrived, in a place once thought inhospitable. My parents respected him for it. I could see why my father trusted the man and why he considered him a friend. And I was to marry his daughter. There was no point in protesting. Kacidra had done that enough to cover the length of my stay during the first few hours on land. Kacidra was the eldest by two minutes, Aaron’s twin sister in fact, fair of skin and hair like her father but with an attitude to make even the most stoic man surrender. Oh, Kacidra would have been a true match for Maeve, no doubt. They would’ve hated each other, at least until they realized how powerful they could be as allies. Kacidra and Maeve could rule the world together if given the chance. And so, I spent two weeks in the torment of Kacidra and agony over her sister, who hadn’t said a single word to me and wouldn’t meet my eye, no matter how much I tried to accidentally find myself in her path. No, Hanna wouldn’t even look at me. She was going to reject me. It was likely she had no choice. I could already feel the pain of it. I kept busy, however, setting up the rows upon rows of solar panels in a large open space on the outskirts of the village where the trees were sparse and the ground was dry and flat from constant, unrelenting sun. Sulfur springs bubbled incessantly in the background as I worked, my head always bent to my task. But the third week, things changed. Kacidra had given up on making my life as miserable as possible, growing bored of pestering me. We found ourselves, surprisingly, enjoying each other’s company as we set up the panels and tested the lines, Kacidra pouring over the blueprints for the underground lines that would eventually bring power into the village. Suddenly, I had a friend in Red Lakes, the relationship budding between us taking the edge of my pain of losing my mate, at least

temporarily “Are you sure you’re doing it right? I think that’s upside down.” Kacidra was leaning against one of the solar panels, her blond hair tied back in a long braid over one shoulder as she watched me struggling with a shorted-out battery pack. I wiped the sweat from my brow, running my fingers through my hair that had grown too long for my liking since arriving in Red Lakes. “I know what I’m doing!” I said under my breath, hitting the pack several times with the palm of my hand.copy right hot novel pub

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