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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Ethan Or Not?

“Miss, did you get your room number yet?”

A young crew member pulled me out of my shock.

I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart, then put on a smile and turned to him. “Ah, yes, it‘s on the ticket.”

No– that couldn‘t have been Ethan. There was no way he was here.

Besides, it would be hard for anyone to recognize me with my disguise on, especially from so far away.

As the boat drifted further and further from the shore, I no longer was able to pick him out in the crowd.

The worry that had surged within me threatened to expose my fear, but I couldn‘t allow it to. I had to get a grip of myself.

I turned my attention to the young man in front of me. He was holding a clipboard as he walked around the deck helping the passengers.

He gave me a friendly smile. “Follow me, and I will show you to your room. I just need your ticket.”

I handed my ticket to him, my eyes scanning my surroundings.

Everyone else was busy settling down on the ship, and no one paid attention to me. I was still safe.

I let out a sigh. I was probably just seeing things. Was it possible that my mind was playing tricks on me because, deep down. Thad hoped it was him standing there?

“Room seven. This way.” The crew attendant returned the ticket to me and led me along the deck.

The mid–morning sun was approaching its peak in the sky, and with it came refreshing, cool wisps of sea air blowing against my skin, reminding me that this was a new beginning. I found peace with my surroundings again.

After walking down a few corridors, we came to a white ship door that looked just like all the others. Here we are.”

I admired the small room, which contained a bed and a table. It even had its own small bathroom area. It wasn‘t anything lavish, but that excited me no less.

“Thank you!”

His face was bright with genuine compassion. “It‘s my pleasure. Please get some rest, and welcome aboard your journey to Avondale.”

His smile was heartwarming. For the first time, I was being treated just like anyone else– an ordinary, free, and independent person.

As he turned away to help other passengers, I settled in to rest without worry.

There was no Ethan, no danger– just a small and quiet cabin for me and my baby.

Thad never imagined that I would get as far as I had. I was more than proud of myself for what I had accomplished.

“I can‘t wait to get some sleep!” I whispered to myself with a grin.

After taking a nice, warm shower, I lay down on the small bed. The rhythm of the waves below was gentle, and the darkness slowly slid over me as I got comfortable– I welcomed it like an old friend.

**Ethan‘s POV

Hues of pink and orange painted the sky behind the castle as it came into view in front of me.

The storms from the night before had finally blown away, but their departure had done nothing to calm the tempest that raged within me, threatening to tear my mind apart.

Even sprinting for hours through the woods in my wolf form hadn‘t helped, I realized as soon as I shifted back.

I had hoped that it would change how I felt–or, at the very least, that running would distract me from the situation. But even then, I was not spared the tormented thoughts that filled my mind.

How could she do such a terrible thing?

I pushed the thoughts aside again and walked on two legs toward a tree with a hollow in it to retrieve some clothing I had stashed there.

Mud caked my legs and hands. I didn‘t care.

I took a series of controlled breaths in and out, willing my mind to focus. I had meetings to get to, duties to attend to, things to do. The worst thing I could do was show up in an emotional wreck and sob like a baby.

I retrieved the pair of jeans and T–shirt I had tucked away deep within the tree, put them on quickly, and then headed back.

As I neared the castle, my eyes automatically drifted in the direction of the cliffs.

I wasn‘t standing in the exact same spot as I had been when I saw Rosalie leap to her death, but the image still filled my mind.

Another wave of anguish washed over me, and I felt myself shaking.

I was at a loss. How the hill could she do that? It just didn‘t make any sense.copy right hot novel pub

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