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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Buy, Buy Baby

**Rosalie‘s POV

“It seems like you‘re starting to get settled here in the cottage,” Soren said a few days after I‘d accepted the position and moved into the little house beside the garden.

I‘d just let him in and was trying to plan my day. I‘d thought about doing a bit of decorating. The cottage looked nice, but I thought it could use some of my own personal touches. “I love it here,” I told him. “I can‘t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

Soren waved his hand at me and stepped into the living room. “It‘s nothing, Ro. I‘m just glad that you are going to be here to watch over my home while I‘m away. Is everything to your liking? If not, we can always get new furniture.” He ran his hand along a table near the back of the sofa.

“Everything is great,” I assured him. Some of the furniture was a little worn, but it was perfect for me. I didn‘t mind.

“Well, then, Ro, if all of the other rooms are adequate. Perhaps we could go look at furniture for the baby‘s room? Would you like to take a little trip? See what we can find?”

My face lit up. “That would be amazing! But I still don‘t know if I‘m having a boy or a girl. I guess it doesn‘t matter for basic furniture.”

He shrugged. “If you go with white or basic wooden furniture, the gender shouldn‘t matter. You can wait for all of the finishing touches later, I suppose.”

“I would love that. Thank you so much!“.

With a grin, Soren reached out and patted my arm. “Go get ready to go, and I‘ll wait here.”

I went to get ready, putting on a nicer outfit, one that Soren had his own maids pick out for me recently. When I moved in, my closets had been full of cute maternity clothes in my size and the larger sizes I would need. I put on a pair of red leggings and a white flowing top with red polka dots and my makeup, putting my hair in a ponytail before I headed out to join Soren.

“Wow!” he said, putting his cell phone in his pocket the moment he saw me, making me feel more important than whomever he‘d been talking to something Ethan would never do. “You look amazing. You‘re always beautiful, but that outfit is great.”

“Thanks,” I said, “It‘s one that your people bought me.”

“My people have good taste,” he said. “Shall we?” He offered me his arm like we were going to a formal ball.

I took his arm, and we headed out the door into a lovely day where the sun was shining down on us brightly, and the birds were singing. The weather was always nice here.

“Now, there‘s something I need to tell you,” Soren said, as we walked along past the bright flowers in the garden. Their floral aromas swirled around us and added to the enchantment of this day.

“What‘s that?” I asked him, not bothered by whatever it was he was about to reveal.

“There‘s no baby furniture store on this island,” he said.

I felt a tinge of disappointment inside, but I figured he had to have a solution, or else we wouldn‘t still be walking. “Okay…,

“We will have to go to another, nearby island, and they‘ll ship your purchases over. I‘ll handle all of that, no problem.”

“All right!”

“Don‘t you want to know how we‘re getting there?” he asked as we reached the garden gates.

“Won‘t we just take a boat?” I asked him.

But as we exited the garden and I saw the yard around Soren‘s mansion, I realized there was something at the dock in the distance I‘d never seen there before.

I‘d heard it a few times but never really thought about it before.

“Nah,” he said with a grin. “I thought we‘d take a different ride of mine–if you‘re not too nervous.”

“I‘m not too nervous,” I said, but I wasn‘t sure that was true. My face might‘ve gone a little pale at the sight. Still, I trusted him, and I was up for an adventure.

I was up for a ride in a seaplane.


Ibuckled my seatbelt tight, but I was still nervous when the seaplane took off. It was loud, I couldn‘t hear much. I had a headset on, and I was so glad that Soren was right next to me.

“It‘s fine,” he told me, leaning over to me. His voice was clear and deep in my ear, causing goosebumps all over my body. “I fly in the seaplane all the time.”

I couldn‘t help but grab his arm.

“I know,” I said, looking out the window to hide my pinking cheeks. I was more worried about my baby than myself.copy right hot novel pub

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