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Alpha Loren

Chapter 2 A Not So Brief Explanation

October 10th

It was a couple of weeks after the great break up and life had moved on.

To begin with I'd felt lost and betrayed and spent many hours staring at the ceiling of my bedroom wondering what on earth happened to the boy I thought was so right for me. But after a bit of time, I began to see it for what it was. Just silly teenage romance.

I was a wolf. He was a human. I hadn't even told him my secret.

Deep down I always knew we'd never last. There was a man or woman out there destined to me and no matter how much I thought I loved Cameron, nothing would compare to how I'd feel about my mate. That gave me a sense of guilt everytime I looked at Cameron because I knew if we stayed together, one day I'd just suddenly end it and he'd have no idea why. So in hindsight, I'm kind of glad he turned out to be such a douchebag. It's worked out for the better.

And from now on, it's no more pointless relationships. I've decided to wait for my mate, whoever he or she may be and however long I have to wait.

Meanwhile, I'll focus on school and trying not to murder the boy sat behind me in American history class with his own ruler as he repeatedly prodded me in the back with it.

"Hey rogue," I heard him say.

It was Logan Wilson. He was a sixteen-year-old wolf boy who was heir to the Alphaship in the Cerridwen pack. It's territory covered the whole of Kellington but after my family had been forced to relocate from our previous pack we'd been permitted by the Alpha, Logan's father to settle there peacefully living as rogues alongside the humans of the town.

But whilst his father took pity on us, Logan certainly did that.

In fact, he had taken it upon himself to make my life a living hell.

"What?!" I hissed.

"You free tonight, little miss Feisty?" He asked with a smirk.

"No, fuck off," I answered bluntly as I turned back around, trying to focus on what our history teaher was telling us about Rosa Parks.

"Are you sure babe? I was thinking maybe you could come round now that you're single and everything," he said, leaning over and whispering in my ear, "How is Cameron by the way?"

I ignored him. He was trying to provoke me and I wasn't going to give him the satisfcation of a response.

"Hey rogue, don't ignore me. Answer my question," He demanded,

"Excuse me Mr Wilson, Miss Jones, I do hope I'm not interrupting anything?" The teacher, Mr Greggory asked.

"Yes you were actually," Logan said.

My mouth gaped open. And so did Mr Greggory's.

"Well, in that case, maybe you can finish whatever ever it was in detention. You too Miss Jones." He said writing our names on the whiteboard under the detention box.

"But-" I started.

"No buts Miss Jones," He said.

"I didn't do anything!" I protested.

"Unless you want a week of detention, you will be back here at four o clock sharp," he said.

I sighed with exasperation and injustice.

"Yes, Sir," I murmured before shooting a glare at Logan who still wore the same cocky smirk.

The bell rang and my mind had a little moment to rejoice before I quickly got up and grabbed my books and bag.

"Everybody, before you go, I would like to hand you all this homework sheet which explains the essay which I would like to be handed to me during our lesson on Monday," Mr Greggory said just before I escaped.

A groan rumbled through the room. After taking my homework sheet, I started to make my way to the door when something blocked my way. Logan.

"I'm sorry, Ella. How about I make it up to you and give you a lift home after detention?" he said looking down at me like I was some tiny scrap of broccoli he just picked out his back tooth.

"Logan, leave me the fuck alone," I said trying to push past.

"You are aware that I'm the Alpha's son right?" He said still towering over me,

"Whatever, he's not even my Alpha," I said trying to get past again (obviously failing).

"But you're on our land aren't you? So you abide by my rules otherwise I will make getting you and your brother kicked off my territory the first thing I do when I become Alpha. And my 17th birthday is in a few days so you should probably start respecting me ASAP. Understand?"

"Fine," I said spitefully. "You can give me a lift home if you really want."

Logan didn't scare me. He was just an immature kid dressed as an Alpha. But the concept of being kicked off this territory wasn't exactly comforting. I was happy living here in the human world.

"See you tonight," He whispered in my ear before winking and finally letting me past and to my friends were already waiting for me by the lockers.

"What took you so long?" My friend, Charlotte, asked.

"One word- logan," I said and they immediately understood.

"Being a jerk as usual?" Charlotte asked and I nodded.

"I can't believe you got detention because of him," Abi, our other friend said.

"I know and I still have to do that fucking assignment." I groaned

"Yeh great, another two hours of school to do tonight, just in case seven hours during the day isn't enough," whined Abi looking down at the essay sheet whilst madly trying to get her crazy dark blond waves out of her face, in particular, the strand that had somehow got into her mouth.

"Just do it on a computer and make the font really big so you don't even have to write that much," Charlotte replied with her usual optimistic tone.

Abi laughed, "Knowing Mr Greggory, if you don't stick to the 12 pt font size rule he'd make you do it three times over."

"Nothing but facts," I said with a sigh.

Abi and Charlotte were my only two proper friends. When I first moved to Kellington at age eleven, they'd been the first to take pity on my as I sat eating lunch at school on my own for weeks, not quite sure how you're supposed to socialise in the human world.copy right hot novel pub

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