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Alpha Loren

Chapter 3 Stupid Decision Number One

October 10th

"And you're definitely going to this party, Ella?" Connor asked as we ate dinner.

"No I spent half an hour trying to perfect winged eyeliner to stay home," I said pointed at the masterpiece I had created on each eye.

He rolled his eyes, "You know what I meant."

"Chill. I can handle Cameron. He's not a threat and I'm over him," I said.

"Okay if you're sure." Connor replied in an 'okay clearly you know best' sort of tone whilst rolling his eyes eyes.

I ruffled his thick brunette hair as I walked to the sink with my empty plate.

Connor had been blessed with our Mother's genes. His hair was shiny and curly and his complexion tan and smooth. His eyes were a beautiful warm brown and even his smile was like Mom's.

Me however, got my father's genes.

My hair was a dull blonde and my skin pale. My eyes were an uninteresting blue and I didn't even get the Goddess-like, strong, tall physique of my mother. Instead, I was short, small and in no way, remarkable looking.

Biology is a bitch.

Later on, Abi and Charlotte were awaiting me in the hallway of our tiny house. I'd chucked tomato down my top and was frantically finding something else to wear as Abi tapped her foot impatiently.

"Ready!" I announced running down the stairs, my only pair of shoes in my hands.

They were a battered dirty pair of converse that I'd had for years. Connor and I had serious money issues. We worked at a cafe five shifts a week and Mom sent us the odd cheque which was just enough to cover the bills and basic necessities but new shoes were certainly not on the cards.

"Looking lovely ladies," I complimented as I shoved them on my fet.

"Thanks, but we need to go. We're in danger of going over the fashionably late category." Abi exclaimed before hustling us out the door.

Connor waited outside with a bottle of what looked like vodka in his hands.

"Connor..." I groaned, "Please don't get wasted tonight."

"Relax, Mom," he said unscrewing the lid and tilting his head back, "Not like I'm gonna drink it neat or anything."

He swigged some and grimaced before holding it out to Abi and Charlotte, "Ladies?"

They both giggled as they drank from the bottle, gagging and squirming as it burnt down their throats.

"No pressure, Ella. But you can have some if you want," Connor said holding the bottle out to me.

"Just a little," I replied taking the bottle.

Neat spirits were disgusting. Dangerous too but I thought about the fact that if Abi, Charlotte and I had already drunk some, that was less for Connor to be a moron with.

So I took a swig before handing it back to him, only 3/4 full.

"Be careful with that," I warned.

By the time we could hear the music of the party thudding, the bottle was only 1/4 full and we were all very giggly.

It was the happiest I'd felt in a while as I walked arm in arm with my friends, Connor on one side and Charlotte on the other.

"Okay," I said as we reached the door, "I'm tipsy and not a single part of me misses him. That's a good sign right?"

They all agreed.

"And before we go in, Connor for the love of God. We have a shift at 7am. At least make sure you're sober by then."

"It's adorable how lowly you think of me, sis," he said chubbing my cheeks, "Now stop worrying and have some fun.copy right hot novel pub

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