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Alpha Loren

Chapter 25 And They Had No Light

October 16th

During breakfast, Leo was still very quiet.

It unsettled me.

"You're still thinking about what Antonio and Blair said, aren't you?" I asked.

"How long are you going to make me wait?" he asked leaning back and sighing.

I shrugged.

"And why?" he questioned, "So you don't want to please me because I'm a 'bad' person. Are you nervous about losing your virginity too?"

I swallowed.

"It's normal to be nervous because it's your first time and that won't change whether we do it now or in ten years," he said. "But it's not just the sex you're nervous about."

I looked down at my plate.

"It makes it real, doesn't it?" he asked.

I didn't move.

"Right now we haven't finished the mating process. We have a connection but it's not solidified yet. But as soon as you sleep with me you are well and truly my mate. No way out. That scares you, doesn't it?"

I shrugged.

"The thought of being eternally bound to you, Alpha Loren, is unsettling," I replied. "I can't imagine loving're dark and immoral...and what's a life and partnership without love?"

"You think that not completing the mating process means you have an escape route?" he asked.

He then looked at me with a raised eyebrows and stony expression.

"Because it doesn't. Whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me so you might as well enjoy your time here," he said.

"Enjoy my time here?" I asked, "I can't just stand by and support you as your Luna as you kill people."

He clenched his jaw.

"So I will not become your Luna until you become someone I can support. I am not going to give in, Leonardo. If you ever want that sex or that baby, you will make an effort to be a good person."

He let out a short laugh, "You're gonna bribe me into doing what you want? You know, my father is right. You are messing me around."

"I'm doing what is right," I said, "I'm fighting the evil in you."

"You're defying nature," he replied.

"Well you said it yourself...I'm unconventional."

I then folded my arms and glared at him.

"But your wolf isn't," he said, glaring straight back, "I don't know if it was growing up a rogue, being raised by Nicolos Jones or living in the human world that messed you up but your wolf will never be able to resist her mate. And that is your weakness."

"Fuck you," I growled.

"Yes, please do."

"If you are so desperate for sex why don't you just sleep around again?! It's not like you saved yourself for your mate anyway!" I shouted getting to my feet.

"I was a virgin at 17 too."

"So its okay for you but if it was me, you would have murdered someone," I spat.

"You can murder every girl I've ever slept with if you like," he said. "But you wouldn't."

"I'd be there for years," I replied beginning to walk away.

"You're really gonna get upset that I'm not a virgin?"

"How would you like it if I went out tonight and slept with another man?" I said pulling my hand out of his hand and marching to the door.

"You would never do that," Leo growled coming closer.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked as he pushed me up against the wall.

"Because you know I would kill them without a second thought and you don't want that blood on your hands. There's another one of your weaknesses, Ella. Remorse."

I clenched my teeth together and shoved his chest.

In response, he grabbed my wrist and pinned them to the wall.

"I'm going to the Southern territory tonight on business," he said, "When I get home in two days, we will mate."

He then slowly took his hands off me and stepped back before he turned on his heel and walked out of the kitchen, leaving my slightly shake and alone.

Four hours later at 3:00 pm, Mateo arrived and Leo left pretty much without saying a word.

"What's got his knickers in a twist?"Mateo asked.

"He wants to mate, I don't," I said.

"Why not?" He said getting a carton of orange juice out the fridge, "He's your mate, he's attractive, he's-"

"Because he's Leonardo Loren and I have more respect for myself than to just let such a bad man have me."

Mateo nodded, "Are you sure you're not overthinking it? It's just sex."

I shrugged, "Just sex with a serial killer who I consequentially become the Luna of and potentially get pregnant with his kid too."

"Well, I know my brother. He will not pin you down and force you. Just say no."

"The trouble is..." I said with a grimace, "He has a way of um..."

"Of what?" Mateo asked, turning to me and examining my expression.

"Seduction," I said, "He can make my wolf crave him."

"Oh God," Mateo cringed, "I didn't need to know."

"Well the point is, when he gets home in a couple of days and he wants sex, I'm worried my wolf won't resist him," I said, "And she'll betray the human side of me."

"I see," Mateo said.

"It's a conundrum isn't it?" I said as he found some leftover pancakes in the fridge, "Do they not feed you at the Loren household?"

"When you're used to living with 4 brothers you learn to take whatever you can get," He said getting some chocolate sauce to put on the pancakes. "And Leo always has great food in his fridge. Do you want anything to eat?" Mateo asked.

"I just ate," I said causing him to stare at me blankly.

"And?..." He said.

"I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Suit yourself," He chirped whilst walking up to the TV with a bag of popcorn. "Let's watch a movie to take your mind off you're issue. What does Leo has in this mystery box of DVDs then...Horror, horror,horror, horror...a comedy?...copy right hot novel pub

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