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Alpha Loren

Chapter 26 A Change of Heart

October 18th

I woke up securely in Leo's arms with my head rested on his chest as he held me close to him.

"I'm dropping you at my parents' house today whilst I go and meet a visiting Alpha from an allied back," he said, kissing the top of my head, "I'll be back in the late afternoon and then we'll have a bit of time before the Alpha comes over for dinner."

I grimaced, "Why is he coming for dinner?"

"Because he has a powerful pack bordering mine to the North and because he's a massive douchebag, we have to put extra effort into remaining civil in order to avoid a war," he replied, "A war that would be damaging to both of our packs."

"Sounds like so much fun," I groaned, "Do I have to be there?"

"Yes," he said bluntly, "You can't wriggle out of this one."

When Leo dropped me off at the Loren household, his little sister Lia opened the door.

"Good morning," she said with a yawn.

She was still in her little silk pyjamas with her fine golden hair unbrushed and swept over her face.

"Hi, Lia," Leo said quickly, his eyes glancing behind her into the house. "Is Dad, Mateo, Marco or Carlos here?" he added.

"Didn't Mom tell you?" she asked, "Mom and Dad went to New York for their anniversary but they'll be home this afternoon."

"And the boys?" Leo questioned.

"They went on a run earlier and said they'd be back but the time you got here but..." she said with a shrug, "We both know not to trust a word any of them say."

"For fuck's sake," Leo grumbled stepping into the house, "Guess we'll wait."

"Do you not trust us to take care of your mate, Leo?" Elena said from the kitchen.

When we entered, she was stood leaning against the counter with a piece of toast in her hand and a raised eyebrow.

"No," he said bluntly.

"Do you really think I'm going to try and run away?" I asked him.

A smile crept onto his lips, "After last night, I'm not so sure."

Lia looked like she was going to vomit as Elena groaned in disgust.

"But then again, I didn't think you would try the first few times. So you never fail to amaze me," he said.

Elena rolled her eyes, "Driving your own mate to run away from you. Real nice," she muttered.

She then glanced at me with a cheeky smile as Leo just stared at her.

"Do you think you could avoid pissing me off before I have to go and speak to Alpha Haden?" he asked, "We don't want a war with the Ayas pack."

She forced a smile before she took another bite of her toast.

Just then the front door opened and Carlos, Marco and Mateo piled in, all sweaty and panting.

"You're here. Finally."

"Good morning to you too big bro," Carlos said as Leo gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the forehead and left.

"Wow, I miss living with him so much," Marco muttered, "What a nice guy."

The day consisted of a chilly run up to a lake and a lot of laughing and talking. Leo's siblings were warm and welcoming - the stark opposite of him. They made me feel like I was one of them within just hours.

"Come on, Carlos," Mateo teased after his younger brother had tackled him to the floor but he had managed to get back onto his feet. "Is that all you've got?"

"Boys huh?" Maria, the eldest of Leo's siblings who I had only met this morning, said.

We continued to watch them as they continued to roll around on the floor together, "They get so much entertainment out of trying to kill each other," she added.

Just then Marco joined in, grabbing Mateo's legs as Carlos took his arms.

"And this is their favourite game: twins vs Mateo," she said with a laugh as Mateo seized Carlos in a head lock as Marco held him in one.

Lisa and Lenny, the youngest of the ten Loren children, were at the shore of the lake with their shoes off. The air temperature was cold enough and I could hardly bear the thought of how their toes felt to be dipped in the icy water.

Just as Lisa had decided it was maybe a little too cold, a cheeky grin came onto Lenny's face. He exchanged looks with me and before I could realise what he was thinking, he had bent down and slapped the water with so much force that a wall of water cascaded over his sister.

"No, no, Lenny, please!" she squealed.

She tried to run out of the lake and back onto the shore.

But he waded through the water at high speed to catch up.

"Lenny," Maria scolded, "Don't bully your sister."

He ignored the orders from Maria, grabbed Lisa and slam dunked her into the water.

With that, Elena kicked off her shoes and marched to the lake.

The fear on Lenny's face as he saw Elena coming was hilarious and a few seconds later, a waterfight had begun and all three of them were entirely drenched.

"I'll get some firewood," Marco said with a laugh as Lisa stood, her lips blue, shivering viciously.

Mateo took off his jacket and handed it to Lisa as Lenny and Elena just stood dripping and ringing out their clothes with their hands.

When Marco returned with the wood, a roaring fire was lit that they could both dry their clothes next to.

When we finally returned to the house, I helped Bella and Elena make some bread and soup for a late Lunch and was forced to watch my Senior Prince with Lia... again...

It wasn't long until Leo came to pick me up and I said goodbye to everybody.

"How was your day?" he asked as we drove home.

"Great. Your siblings are brilliant," I replied.

"You smell like forest, fire and soup," he replied. "It must have been a good day."

I nodded, "How was yours?"

"Alpha Haden gets on my nerves like nothing else," he said, "So sitting in a meeting with him for hours was got the trial."

"Do you enjoy being the Alpha?" I asked.

"Yes. It's what I was born to do," he said. "But sometimes I just wish I could get away from it all for a day or two."

"Then why don't we?" I asked. "We could go on a trip! You can leave the pack for a few days, can't you?"

He smiled and put his hand on my leg, "You're so cute," he said. "And maybe we will. Where to?"

"Paris! Or London...or maybe New York," I said already getting excited. "I don't know. I've never even left the country before."

He laughed again, "I'll take you wherever you wanna go. I promise."

A few minutes later, there was a sudden bump in the road and the car came to a halt.

"Shit," Leo cursed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The tyre fucking burst," he replied getting out of the car to inspect the damage.

I got out too and walked round to see a pierced hole in the bottoms of the wheel.

Leo knelt down and picked something up, "I'm guessing this is to blame."

It was a large sharp rock that we had obviously just run over.

"Do you have a spare?" I asked.

"Of course I have a fucking spare," he said going round to the trunk.

I watched attentively as he worked on the wheel. I couldn't even drive and when it came to things like this, I was clueless but it was fascinating to watch...or more Leo was fascinating to watch.

"You're staring," he said without even taking his eyes off the wheel.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

He quickly finished off the change before he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He then kissed me unexpectedly passionately on the lips.

"My hands are greasy," he said showing me his blackened fingertips after realising and taking them off my face.

"It's okay," I replied kissing him again and guiding his hands to my waist.

With that he grinned and clutched my waist, lifting me up and slamming me into the hood of the car as he kissed me with rough passion.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his chest against mine as his hands slipped under my shirt. I felt my blood heat up with excitement as I felt his hands on my boobs.

He then grabbed my legs, spreading them wide apart as he pressed himself hard between them, squeezing my ass in the tight grip of his fingers.

I gasped as he brought his hands to my throat to pull me back into his lips.

But just as he was reaching for the buckle of my bants a car drew up behind us.

My eyes winded. The track was only wide enough for one car to pass and we were blocking the entire thing.

"Fuck," Leo cursed pulling my shirt back down over my stomach.

He then looked behind us to the car and he let out an awkward laugh.

"That's my Dad's car," he said lifting me off the hood, "They must be on their way back from the airport."

I covered my hands over my face as my cheeks flushed red.

"Oh God," I said as he flattened my dishevelled hair before approach his confused looking father who had already got out the drivers seat started walking over to us.

"What the fuck are you doing, Leonardo?" he asked.

"Umm..." he mumbled, "The tyre burst so I had to change it and then..."

At that point, Antonio looked around the car and saw me stood, unable to make eye contact with him.

"Oh," he said, with a look of pleasant surprise, "Did we interrupt something?"

Leo just smiled awkwardly before waving to his Mom who still sat in the passenger's seat of Antonio's car.

"I'll just move out your way," he said before turning back to the car.

We both got in and he steered his car to the verge of the road and let his parents past before he turned to me.

"That was mortifying," I said.

Leo grimaced, "At least they came before..."

"Leonardo," I scolded, "I was not about to hand you my virginity on a car bonnet."

He grinned to himself, "Whatever you say..."

When we got home we just had time to shower before Leo had to and start cooking the dinner for this Alpha coming tonight. The air was soon filled with the beautiful smell of tomatoes, garlic and basil as various things sizzled and boiled downstairs.

About half an hour later, Leo came back upstairs.

"Have you found something to wear?" he asked.

I nodded, coming out the bathroom to show him the navy blue dress I'd picked out. It reached my mid thigh (we almost) and fit me perfectly.copy right hot novel pub

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