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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Came Back - Chapter Nine

Michael reaches into the pocket of his robe and pulls something out: a small box. He does not try to give it to me. Instead, he opens it, showing me the contents: a ring. It is very beautiful: interwoven strands of gold in different shades, gleaming threads of yellow and white together.

My throat dry, I reach with a finger to touch the ring, stroking it in its silken cushion, but I do not take it.

“I’m not asking you for an answer now,” he says. “I’ll keep it for you. You can take your time. Think about it for as long as you want.” Then he takes me by the shoulders and kisses my forehead. “Really,” he says, “no pressure. But please think about it.”

Lost for words, I just stare at him. He begins to look upset. “Please tell me you will at least think about it.”

I nod. “Yes, I’ll think about it.”


My Master pulls up outside and I rush out to meet him, Michael following in my wake.

“Master! How are you?”

“I’m good Charlotte. Glad to be back here again with you both.”

He hugs me and swings me around, kissing me soundly, but I notice his eyes lock briefly with Michael’s. Is it my imagination? Michael gives him the smallest of headshakes, all but invisible.

We go back inside, my Master’s arm around my waist from one side, Michael’s from the other.

“How was your trip?” asks Michael.

“Very successful: much more so than I expected.”

“They’ve extended your contract?”

“Better than that. I’ve been offered a directorship. Apparently, this first phase was a practice run for me, while they weighed me up. Haswell wants me to take charge of the project.”

“That’s great, James. I…. assume you accepted?”

“Oh yes.” My Master rubs his hands together. “Why would I not? All that hard work is paying off at last.”

“It sounds as though congratulations are in order then?”

“I think so, yes. Do we have any…? Ah, Charlotte. Thank you.”

I hand him a glass of champagne, and another to Michael.

“Congratulations, Master.”

“Yes, congratulations, James.”

“Thank you both.”


Later, alone with my Master: “I see that you have not accepted Michael’s offer.” His eyes slide sideways to the ring, braided white and yellow gold, gleaming, in its open box on the mantle.

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