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Buying the Virgin

The Girl Who Came Back - Chapter Ten

To my surprise, it is my Master who seizes me and kisses me, but I am snatched away from him by Michael, who enfolds me, almost envelops me, kissing me as though he will never stop.

Finally, he breaks for air, then holding me by the shoulders, looks at me square on. “You will have me? You will marry me?”

“Yes, Michael. I will marry you.” And under my breath, I murmur, “My Golden Lover….”

“Oh, Charlotte. Thank you.” He wraps his arms around me, tightly, rocking me from side to side.

“And, at this point,” says my Master, “I suppose that I should say, that, now, I also have a gift for Charlotte.”

Again, I see his eyes meet with Michael’s, locking for a moment…


What are they up to…?

From his pocket, my Master takes a small, leather-bound box, identical to Michael’s. As my suspicions of a conspiracy grow, he opens it, to offer me a ring, identical to the one Michael has given me, except that it is of braided yellow and red gold.

I stare at it in bafflement. “Master?” Then I look from the one to the other of them, and back again.

“Aren’t you going to take it?” asks Michael. “I thought it was what you wanted?”

“But how….?”

My Master speaks softly. “I will always be your Master, Charlotte, for as long as you want me. And Michael will be your husband, in the legal sense. In truth, we all know the reality. The three of us are bound, each to the others. And we, the two of us, Michael and I, ask that you wear both rings.”

I look at my Master, dumbstruck. Then at Michael, who grins and winks at me.

Hands shaking, I take the second ring, fitting it to my finger. The slight scalloping at the edges of the two golden bands fits together, and the pair sit on my finger, apparently a single piece, in gleaming red, gold and silver-white.

“You will have one husband de jure,” says my Master, softly. “but, de facto, two.”

And I burst into tears.

“Hey, Charlotte, calm down.” Michael sounds worried, bafflement in his voice. “Have we upset you somehow?”

“Just nerves I think,” comments my Master, holding me tightly. “Shhh..copy right hot novel pub

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